After clearing out much of the staff, Kadin leads Qing and Olivia to the first of the remaining two doors. This one opens into a room full of cots and the spirits of children from an orphanage Valicross had destroyed. This hits both the Rokuga and the Skeek pretty hard, and Olivia does her best to assuage the children's fears while Qing fortifies them with a spell. Before he can exorcise them, however, he is taken aside by Buffy, who wants to take the spirits with her and try to give them a second change by impressing them into bunnies.
This goes against everything Qing knows and believes regarding spirits, but he gives in to a feeling of hope, and lets the guardian spirit take the children off with her.
The final chamber is a library, Valicross' inner sanctum of knowledge. The books whisper to the pair, offering them power. A figure made of paper appears in the shape of a feline, and tries to seduce Qing with knowledge and power if he'll just agree to become the power itself. This is a temptation too far, and Qing destroys the construct, which in turn triggers the destruction of the library.
While retreating, Qing sees in the flames the laughing face of a Jaguar, and knows that Aeztepan knowledge and Amenlichtli was somehow involved in Valicross' rise to power.