The Secret Temple
12 Unity, 6107 RTR (8 April 2005) Disguised as demon-hunters, the group enters the Secret Temple of the Shrine-Maidens.
(Alptraum) (Arkold) (The Light of Nala) (Sylvania) (Tulani)

Still in disguise, Alptraum, Arkold, Tulani, Lilith and Ravenia are taken into the Secret Temple, and first witness the test of a 'Trapper' candidate, who has to remain calm while a mutant gooshurm tries to grab her.

After the test, they meet Priestess Winn, the head of the temple, and Tulani is brought to the infirmary to be seen too. Arkold, disquised as 'Cari' is taken to the dorm of Hilda, the giant Lapi that brought them in, while Lilith goes to her own old dorm from when she was training here. Alptraum ('Nicora'), Tulani and Ravenia are brought to the dormitories of Sunala.

While Ravenia looks for warmer clothes, Nicora and Tulani investigate a room containing a training device called the Mirror of Sunala, and meet Kaira, who used the power of the Mirror to appear and warn Alptraum not to stick any more animals, artificial creatures or undead with the spirit dagger in the future.


GMed by BoingDragon

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