The Maiden and the Witch
Midsummer 13, 6107 RTR (Sep 01, 2007) Morgan and Miranda have a private picnic.
(Miranda) (Morgan) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania)

Morgan brings Miranda (and her weighty picnic basket) to the Table Glade; a small meadow with a flat-topped boulder. They don't actually make it as far as the boulder, since Morgan offers to carry the basket and gets bowled over by it instead – so they just set out the picnic right there.

Miranda feeds Morgan homemade custard, and they chat about clothes, and other things; like cooking, herbary, chasing bunnies and other things they can teach one another.

Morgan's training under Mage Qing is spoken of, and how the foreign mage is getting along in town.

And then, of course, there is much snogging.


GMed by Brenna

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)