While searching for hidden mechanisms in the wine rack, Zahnrad encounters an overly friendly centipede. Attempts to get rid of the poisonous bug result in Amelia triggering a hidden latch on top of the shelving unit that causes it to swing out, revealing a wide stairway spiraling down into darkness.
Olivia and Dr. Pike follow the Kadies down until they come to a crystal-lighted hallway several hundred feet underground. They discover what appears to be a small boat dock at the far end of the passage, along with a canal of dark, stagnant water. Investigating the doorways along the passage reveals a storage closet (complete with flat-bottomed boat), a room full of inactive steam or water pipes, a cell where something with powerful claws was kept, and a workroom for making the cylinders for the 'graphophone' device discovered in the wine cellar.
The fifth door opens onto a scene of nightmarish carnage, however, and is at that moment when Dr. Pike reports hearing a splash from the canal…