With everyone split in to groups for exploration, it's time for Anisa and Xander to do their part in the search for clues. After reviewing where the otgers likely went, the two decide to check the dungeons for whatever they might find there. What they do find is an oppressive, shadowy dungeon and signs that they are, perhaps, not alone. Their suspicions are soon confirmed as they're almost locked in a jail cell by unseen forces, narrowly escaping only to be surrounded by hovering weaponry. During it all, a little girl's voice rings out, telling them they can't leave. Picking up the situation quickly, Anisa realizes the cell's occupant Borham Kuenn must have killed this ghost, and does her best to reassure the ghost Tess that they aren't there t hurt her or anyone. Eventually Tess relents with the two Lapi promising to end her suffering. Promise made, they head towards the cistern where Kuenn is thought to lurk.
In the damp cavern of the Castle's cistern, Anisa and Xander track down the infamous hunter. Searching through the dark eventually reveals noise as someone seems to climb down from the well opening, using the well rope and bucket, then a series of ceiling cuts. After a brief exchange of projectiles, Anisa and Xander come face to face with the man himself: a ragged, scarred Jupani of strength and agility. Most disturbingly, he shows no signs of caring that he killed a little girl, saying he's empty inside that he has become a monster by his own choice. After more baiting, Anisa attacks the man, who proves to be every bit as skilled as she is, while Xander tries desperately to assist. It all comes down to a desperate use of magic placed upon Anisa's fist to fell the man, and they leave him to the Raveness's hunger. At least somewhat at peace now, Tess thanks them and decides she well help them in turn. The three depart the underground, glad to be free of the place.