The Gypsies Return
8 Midsummer, 6107 RTR (Aug 25, 2005) Olivia and the gypsies return, and Amelia and Zahn prepare for another expedition into the underground canals.
(Amelia) (Axel) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (Zahnrad)

After a few weeks of traveling, the Shadowswalk tribe returns to Stonebarrow, along with tag-along Olivia. Lili grabs Morgan and drags him into her wagon, while Amelia lets Olivia know she and Zahn are preparing to explore the tunnels some more. Olivia says she and Djivan will try to join up with them after they settle in.

On the way to Dontgointhe Castle, Zahn and Amy meet Rey, Liliana's cousin, who has some weird thing he wants to sell to Dr. Pike. They then collect Axel, who was hanging around waiting for Kalvin to return from some task.

At the castle, Dr. Pike has Axel blowing into a strange, colorful water pipe device, and Igor brings out the mounted Gort head for Amy. Leaving it in Axel's lap was probably a mistake though, as the bird-man manages to alarm himself with it.

At some point, everyone is covered with colorful goo. But that is hardly a surprise.


GMed by BoingDragon & Jared

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