In the Rephidim Countryside, Taliamelle and three other very young Temple Scouts (Pouncer the jaguar cub, Gartuk the Jupani cub, and Rally the little Eeee) camp out with a wagon loaded with boxes of Temple Scout Cookies, on a "secret mission". In the morning, Brishen, an Eeee courier, arrives, bearing "secret instructions" for Taliamelle. Meanwhile, it is discovered that the cookies have been stolen! A strange khatta-thing named Zsofi arrives, plagued by bugs, demanding directions out of the woods. When she leaves, it becomes apparent that Rally has disappeared, and Brishen sets out in search of the little bat. Brishen discovers Rally being held prisoner by the villainous vampire bat Wyckyd and his army of vermites along with the stolen cookies! Brishen waylays Wyckyd, while the rest of the Temple Scouts catch up. Wyckyd and his minions are forced to flee, leaving the cookies … and, as a reward, all the Temple Scouts get their badges … and everyone gets a complimentary box of Temple Scout Cookies