In response to the attack on the Knights Templar by the Nagai Empire, the Temple chooses Safar to be the target of a "demonstration" of Rephidim's resolve. Eclipse and the other Violet Lancers are among those sent to do battle against the city. First, they do battle against a giant undead "dragon" composed of many smaller skeletons put together into a fused conglomeration. Next, they face off against a fire mage that has surrounded himself with a crowd of civilians Eclipse manages to pick out the true mage and has Cryptic and Silhouette snipe him. (Since the mage's interrupted spell results in a fiery conflagration, however, the incident does not end without civilian casualties.) Lastly, they take on a group of water and air mages and their Rokuga bodyguards. Silhouette fends off "ice birds", and Cryptic is badly wounded, though Eclipse manages to defeat the mages, and interrupt a major ritual they were performing. The conjured storm goes out of control, and destroys Safar as the Temple forces flee.