The Archon's Accusation
New 10-12, 6106 RTR (21 Apr 2002) Rasheeka finds herself in yet more peril.
(Laos Enosi) (Rasheeka)

Archon Mefuno questions Afentis Hefione and Rasheeka about the attempted poisoning, and then leaves for the evening. The next day, during Rasheeka's lessons, she is arrested by armed guards who treat her roughly, and put her in a dungeon cell. She spends a day there, and then is taken before the tyr, to be judged. Archon Dalus, who already demonstrated a dislike for Rasheeka and all things foreign, brings forth various people to make vague insinuations about Rasheeka, to support the case that she is somehow a spy – including accusations that while she claimed the Savanites could not speak, she was "teaching them to speak" on the holiday. Archon Mefuno challenges Dalus, but the tyr orders them both to stand down. Rasheeka explains how the Savanites communicate in hand-signs, which satisfies the tyr that her intent was not criminal – but he nonetheless is of the opinion that her statements about the Savanites were less than accurate, and that she should not be instructing her fellow slaves on a day when no work is to be done. To rectify this, he commands that she have two hours set aside each day to instruct her fellow slaves. Archon Dalus fumes at this.


GMed by Rowan

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)