Olivia hasn't had any luck getting to see Mage Qing, so tries for Natasha instead. She finally locates her down in the basement of Dr. Pike's castle, where the old ritual circle is.
Tired from the extensive ritual she just cast (see 'The Crimson Watch'), Natasha still takes some time to listen to Olivia's tale about the 'shrine' under her cabin at the Weavers, and her trip through the tunnels to a place near her old home. She shows Natasha the threads from the burial shroud that was discovered inside of a partially burned box.
Natasha performs a spell to compare the magical imprints of the threads, and determines that they were very close to Olivia's own. She doesn't say outright that the shroud belonged to her stillborn twin, but hints largely at it.
While Olivia mulls that over, Natasha speaks to the room itself, and the disembodied voice of Buffy Chalk answers. The vampire spirit had been curious after detecting Natasha's ritual, and invites the pair to visit her in the spirit world.
Natasha completes their end of the spirit-walk spell, and the cat and mouse find themselves in a gazebo overlooking a vineyard and Old Stonebarrow from before the flood. The children rescued from Valicross' spirit-prison are playing here as well, which makes Olivia happy.
Buffy asks if Natasha can help her recover her memories of her 'death', since she can't understand how she is the way she is even Natasha isn't sure if she's an actual undead vampire or not.
Natasha agrees, and Olivia offers to ask Parsley Chalk to be the escort into the chalk catacombs. The Skeek says she needs to contact her father, and find out what was done with her sister's remains.