Talk to the Hand
10 Midsummer, 6107 RTR (9 June 2007) Alptraum's body begins to react even more violently to the exposures to the powerful magic and spirits in the battle.
(The Right Hand of Shadow) (Alptraum) (The Light of Nala) (Sylvania)

Deciding to double-check his wound for infection, Alptraum seeks out Phlagaea. He finds her in a drinking contest … that she's winning. Once she's victorious, the two go off to examine his injury. Unfortunately it's too late to stop what appears to be a rapidly progressing mutation of his right hand. His skin withers and peels away, revealing scales beneath. And worse, it reveals what appears to be a half-formed reptilian head in the back of his hand. Trying not to panic, Alptraum goes to seek the advice of Kaira … only to be sucked into the dagger instead of drawing her out. In the dagger prison, Alptraum finds out the extend of his problems … as his right hand is completely gone. In its place is the grinning head of Vorgulremik.


GMed by BoingDragon

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