Small Potatoes
20 Apr 1999. Zoltan trains at Golgotha with younger squires.
(Rephidim Countryside) (Rephidim) (Zoltan)

At Golgotha, Zoltan has been given the status of a squire, training for the possibility of eventually becoming a Knight Templar with the Order of the Bounded Star and Anchor. In the present exercise, Tor Sapphire – a Jupani cub, son of Den Leader Danae Sapphire – is given the authority to dictate what activities the other squires in his group will go through. He decides to have them polish armor … while doing one-handed push-ups.

Time is called, and it's Zoltan's turn to dictate the activity. He declares that the squires should put together the armor they've been polishing as fast as possible. Arita Corban, a Himarian Vartan, has some difficulty, frequently falling into "shiny reverie" over the highly-polished pieces, but Zoltan's reminders snap her back to attention. Tor has trouble arranging the heavy pieces Zoltan was polishing, but Zoltan suggests that Tor start with the lighter pieces first.

Time is called again, and the squires go outside to meet the Magenta Lance. Thorn, one of the Lancers, informs the group – Zoltan, Arita, Tor, and a white tiger-Sphynx by the name of Cryptic – that they are going to be assigned together as a Training Lance. They are asked to pick a leader. Zoltan decides that Cryptic looks like the most promising leader, though Arita comes in at a close second, and so he chooses the white tiger-Sphynx. Cryptic and Arita point at Zoltan. Tor points at himself, but quickly changes his decision when he sees everyone else is choosing Zoltan.

Thorn announces that the decision has been made … and Arita will be the Training Sergeant, since she is the only one that nobody picked. The newly formed "Delta Lance" is told to take bags of potatoes that they were peeling earlier back to the kitchen as their first assignment.

On the way there, the weather starts to get worse, and then … someone attacks! Fake arrows with dye-filled tips start hitting the ground. The squires are ordered to get to the kitchen without getting hit by any of the arrows. Tor promptly falls on his face, and Zoltan looks to Arita for her orders as the Training Sergeant. She tells Zoltan to carry Tor, while she helps Cryptic carry Tor's bag along with their own loads.

Together, they manage to make it back to the kitchen without getting hit.


GMed by Greywolf

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