Roadhouse Elderath
Candlemass 3, 6107 RTR (25 Apr 2003) On the road to Justininople, Tulani and Arkold stop at a roadhouse to shelter from a thunderstorm.
(Arkold) (The Light of Nala) (Sylvania) (Tulani)

Enroute to the Sylvanian capital, the coach Tulani and Arkold are riding in stops at Roadhouse Elderath to wait out the night (as well as a nasty thunderstorm). They have dinner with Muffy and Dr. Twig, while Blarf is reunited with his wife Betty, the roadhouse cook. Even the mysterious Lady Veil shows her face. Not everything is calm, however, as Dr. Twig's electric lizard, Oscar, causes a minor fuss and a lightning strike in the courtyard gives everyone a jolt.


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 18 days before Ring Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)