Return to Rimtown
2 Landing, 6099 RTR (24 Oct 2001) Anisa returns to civilization (sort of).
(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Half Valley) (Spheres of Magic)

Anisa and her fellows manage to make it out of the battle zone, and are reunited with Taer and their dromodon, Periwinkle. They are led by Taer so far as a hunter's trail, and from there they make it back to Rimtown, where they get some medical attention and try to sort out how to get back to Rephidim.


GMed by BoingDragon & Greywolf

Previous Log: Mirror, Mirror in My HandNext Log: Mystico's Rescue
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Today is 4 days before Candlemass, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)