At the Missing Shekel, in Darkside, Jynx continues his desperate quest to find his sister, Eve, who has been kidnapped by Lady Blossom, a fanatical Knight Templar of the Magenta Lance. The Missing Shekel, it turns out, has one of the highest body counts in Darkside … and the patrons aim to add Jynx to the nightly tally so they won't come in second place. Blossom makes an arrival, in pursuit of Jynx … and proceeds to dispatch those persons who would be her rivals for the task of "disposing" of Jynx herself. At a stand-off, Jynx offers to give himself up for the sake of his sister, but Eve breaks free from the grasp of a Skreek henchman, and grabs Blossom's "holy" book. In a turn of the tables, Jynx escapes with Eve by holding the book "hostage" instead