Zoltan rides on the Intimidator, one of Rephidim's finest (and strangest) war vessels, and finds some 'Gallisian' airships piloted by Eeee, fleeing from Paradys, near Bosch. The Intimidator gives pursuit, and is met by the Eeee in battle. Zoltan, in a daring attempt to stop one of the fleeing vessels, makes a shot at one of their air mages. However, due to a freak of magic-gone-awry, the enemy vessel blasts away, leaving the Vartan in its wake. Much later, the Intimidator catches up with this fleeing vessel, and Zoltan flies into the fray. However, a suicidal Eeee lets the 'Boomer' on the ship drop over Himar, rather than letting it be captured by the Temple. Zoltan makes a valiant but hopeless attempt to stop the bomb, then flees, but not quickly enough to avoid the blast entirely. The bomb's effect is a fairly strange one, one that seems to make fragments of reality itself. Zoltan escapes, but is marked by the experience … and the Himar is devastated by the blast.