Playing Rough
Fox 1, 6104 RTR (14 Dec 2000) Dragon explores her strange environment further.
(Dream Realms) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters)

Dragon attempts to learn more about the artificial environment she is experiencing, and discovers that the door to her cabin is unlocked, and has been for some time. She attempts to reach the bridge area, and encounters Child and Playmate. She manages to distract Child, but discovers that the Bridge door is locked. When she attempts to catch Child, Child lures Dragon into an organic tunnel, then causes it to collapse before Dragon can get out, shooting her back out the other end and leaving her in a heap. Child and Playmate rush off giggling to the Bridge, and Black Father arrives soon after, discovering a very disheveled Dragon. Black Father attempts to help Dragon, but shows divided loyalties between the Aspects and Inala. He carries Dragon back to the cabin without letting Inala know, so that he can "maintain the peace".


GMed by Greywolf

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