Francisco meets a Technopriest Eeee named Nehemiah, who has come to check on the Clock Tower. Skrill comes along as well, curious at Francisco's appearance. Nehemiah stubbornly mistakes Francisco for Guy Fox, despite plenty of evidence (and logic) to the contrary. Francisco gets a free meal at Dali's Pastries, but feels ill once he learns about the stuffing made from fresh bugs! Skrill and Nehemiah catch up with Francisco, and then talk about various things, including Francisco's status as a "Fox Flushee". Meanwhile, Aaron listens in, hearing the magic word of "conspiracy", and takes notes … learning that Eustace do Varr, son of Arch-Inquisitor do Varr, not only is responsible for Francisco's "flushing", but quite possibly is involved with Inquisitrix Vindicta … and the Fire-Mage Kelsey!