After cleaning up, Tasha is informed she's to be honored in a Silent-Ones naming ceremony. With hours to go before the ceremony starts, Tasha takes some time to locate Aaron and see that he is mostly well, having suffered a serious and rather intimate injury during the ride back to town. After leaving him to rest, Tasha informs Zerachiel that he's invited to come as well, which he accepts. A well-deserved nap later and some straightening up and the two are off the to ceremony, where they're expected. Inside, Tasha is brought to sit amongst a uniform array of Silent-Ones as well as Archon Strength-of-Stones, who presides over the ceremony. Tasha receives her own Silent-Ones mask as well as a name among the people Winged-Gift and a kiss from each. With the ceremony complete, the group retires for ice cream and small talk.