Lochinvar is awakened by Ariecha, as his two Vartan companions observe that the shadow-creature is still moving in the pit, and possibly freeing itself. They also observe a crystal floating in the shadow's form, which seems to respond to light. They hold torches over the pit, and Lochinvar lowers down on a rope As the torch-light draws the crystal out of the shadow-creature's body, Lochinvar pokes at the crystal, which prompts a horrible wail of anguish from the creature … whereupon Lochinvar decides that this isn't just something imbedded in the creature, but part of the creature itself.
Lochinvar communicates with the creature, and explains that they do not wish it harm, but they wish only to defend their people. He agrees to help the creature to the consternation of his confused allies by providing light for the creature to heal itself with. In exchange, the creature promises not to harm Lochinvar or his fellows, or any of their families, and to restore Elavars to his original form.