Love and Magic
Midsummer 13, 6107 RTR (Dec 17, 2007) Amy visits Natasha to talk about the effects of the ritual on Zahn, Parsley and Clover
(Amelia) (Madame Natasha) (Necropolis) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania)

After narrowly avoiding an ambush from Liliana, Amy finds Natasha working on an enchantment. She talks to the Kiriga-like familiar at first, but Natasha concludes her spell, claiming the crystal she was working with was too imperfect and that it was part of a warning enchantment to do with Valicross somehow.

Natasha asks what Amelia wants, guessing it has to do with Zahn. Amy explains about Clover and Parsley's sudden interest in Zahn, and if it's anything she should worry about. Natasha assures her that affection born of magic is no threat to the real thing.

There's a bit of 'girl talk' between the too while the familiar combs Amy's tail, and the Kadie suggests that Natasha ask Viktor to take on a picnic up along the road to the north, and Natasha offers to test her for magic in the way of Mages instead of witches, and Amelia agrees.

Then she learns the test will probably come in the form of an attack…


GMed by Jared

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)