Sneaking back into the estate of the Artist Hakuu, Lilac disguises herself as one of the servants and procures a broom. Since the mercenaries spoke Standard, and there is lots of activity in their camp, she tries to move unnoticed through them to glean what she can.
Lilac overhears the mercenaries talk about breaking camp and finally heading to Rephidim, with the implication that they'll finally get to do some fighting. One of the men notices her and tries to get her into his tent, but a big black Lapi steps in and gets him to stop harassing her, for which Lilac is very grateful.
Once in the mansion, Lilac returns the tiny seal she stole the night before, and comes across something unusual a body cast of Lady Umeko! Something happens outside then, and she decides it would be best to get back out to safety.