Isetia, Isetis
New 21, 6105 RTR (22 Mar 2001) Elijah squares off against the enemy in the Sanctuary of Ice.
(Airship) (Elijah's Quest) (Spheres of Magic)

Elijah hides in the laboratory of the Champion of Ice, and spies Isetia sneaking in and going through the books. As he can feel that he has been somehow magically poisoned, Elijah – as much as he would like to find out more before acting rashly – leaps from hiding and tackles Isetia, and demands to know what is going on. Isetia's demeanor is far less friendly now – even mocking – as she insists that she is an elemental controlled by the Champion. She shows him some incriminating journal entries, telling a tale of a Champion dabbling in magic … and gone quite mad. Elijah is sickened by this, and determines that he must take on the Champion. He does so, and after slaying the Champion of Ice, finds that Isetia insists on being able to go to the Champion. Elijah figures out that there's more than just gloating or "closure" involved here … and surmises that she's actually trying to do something along the lines of capturing his "escaping life force" or something equally dark. He prevents her from doing so, whereupon she begins to transform into a more aggressive form. He smashes her ice-form with his sword, which seemingly ends the confrontation … until the "monks" in the sanctuary start wailing, then collapsing, as wisps of "mist" pass from their mouths and start floating toward the tangled "garden" in the center of the tower. Elijah hacks his way through the garden, to find an isetis crystal in the center, housing a strange being that resembles a Frost Fiend. The creature starts to emerge, but Elijah stops it by firing an explosive charge into the crystal at close range. The resulting explosion shatters the shard and knocks Elijah quite unconscious.

Later, Elijah recovers aboard the Eternal Vigilance, which had returned on the Outpost sky island.


GMed by Greywolf

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