Using his unlimited pass, Chiaroscuro manages to locate the Naga mind mage Isstan, who seems to be trancing out in his own laboratory. Envoy starts asking the distracted mage about criminal mind mages that would have worked for an assassin, but Isstan's answers aren't very helpful, and his odd attitude prompts Envoy to suggest a memory transfer so that she can understand what has gotten the once haughty Naga to become so melancholy. Isstan suffers a seizure during the ritual, however, when Envoy witnesses something odd in a group-vision involving other mind mages. Chiaroscuro breaks the spell and fetches Latania to tend to Isstan. The Cervani life mage immediately orders Envoy and the mongoose out of the College, and when Envoy refuses to leave without finding out what happened to Isstan the guards are called…