Here's the Deal, Mr. Blackpaw
June 8. Zephyr Blackpaw is offered a deal under which he can escape Temple judgment.
(Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple) (Wyn) (Zephyr)

Zephyr is given a deal he can't refuse by Inquisitor Zeffel… Help with the investigation of Darkside and the assassination of the Captain-Astromancer, and he'll be cleared of the murder charge. Fail, and Wyn will be held hostage to his good behavior


GMed by Wyn

Previous Log: Oresta: Off with her Head, or, a Trip to the Zelak HiveNext Log: Lady Vandice's Offer
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Today is 18 days before Ring Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)