Zahnrad takes Amy to the master control room, where she hopes to protect against sabotage (and still be close enough to act if something happens on the dam). Zahn shows her how to open the door, and also points out the trapdoor in the floor when asked about other entrances, saying it hasn't been used in years and just leads to a service corridor inside the dam itself.
As the night wears on, Amelia feels a cold draft coming from the trapdoor, and also hears someone calling for help. She goes down and finds a pale ghost of a Kadie body Zahnrad's older brother, Stephen, who drowned while working on the dam fourteen years ago. She can't get him to accept that he's dead at first, so tries to take him out to the control room.
Along the way, Stephen stops and says he feels his brother is in trouble, and then vanishes. Amy rushes outside amid the sounds of breaking wood, but only catches a glimpse of a dark shape fleeing when she gets there. Calling on Stephen for help, she spots his glow flowing down the river, and dives in to try and catch up.
Stephen uses his remaining energy to hold the water still so Amy can pull Zahn to shore. She manages to get him breathing again, and Stephen realizes he really is dead when he sees how much older his brother has gotten.