Eclipse finds himself in the middle of a nightmare, witnessing murders committed by a false Jezebel. He realizes the dream for what it is, and wakes up, only to find the ship in turmoil, as he catches Shade about to plunge a dagger into Silhouette, and Vague is very violent when he is awoken. It appears that they have been under the effect of magical dreams, and they rush to help the rest of the ship … finding that others have died at the hands of their comrades, under magical influences including all of the mages, save for Shade.
Eclipse seeks out a Rokuga dream mage, whom he finds suspended on the underside of the airship. Eclipse has the element of surprise, and slays the mage. One of the other airships, however, is not so fortunate, going down in a ball of flame. The Knights Templar regroup, and prepare for the worst…