Fear and Loathing in Stonebarrow
3 Midsummer (night), 6107 RTR (Apr 02, 2006) Olivia and Amelia fall into a nightmare vision of Stonebarrow.
(Amelia) (Dream Realms) (Inner Demons) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (The Return of Valicross)

Olivia falls asleep in Djivan's arms after a long day… but finds herself in the same nightmare landscape that she did when Valicross was in her dreams. And now the necromancer is calling her his bride, and Olivia can see that she's become a zombie!

At the same time, Amelia wakes into the nightmare as well, finding dead bodies and a ruined dam until she spots Olivia and Valicross. As Olivia tries to face the necromancer down, Amy has a flash of insight and gives her weapon to the skeek, telling her to use it to defend herself, even as Valicross chastises her for being weak, and always expecting the worst. Olivia defeats him, proving she /can/ defend herself.

All this time, something has been stalking Amelia, and she understands what needs to be done. She asks Olivia to tie her up and defend her from whatever is out there, knowing it's her own self doubts now.

Olivia fights off the creature, and the ghost of Stephen Kettenrad appears, telling them they should leave. They all return to the spot in the forest where Natasha first cast the spell, and the glowing doorway is there to lead them back to the waking world.


GMed by Jared

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