Don't Strain Yourself
12 Unity, 6107 RTR (Jul 02, 2005) Back at the dam, Zahn wants to inspect the damage caused by the battle
(Amelia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (The Return of Valicross) (Zahnrad)

Amelia makes it back to Zahn's workshop once the necromancer's body has been sealed up, and finds Zahn up and ready to go inspect the damage, despite his mother's telling him to rest.

Amy tries to tell him the same thing: that going out now would only risk worsening his injuries, and that others could be brought in to help out.

Zahn is obstinate, and Amelia just sits down and gives up, being too exhausted to argue. She explains to Zahn just what was going on, and why he was in danger, and what people did to try and protect him.

Afterwards, he's willing to rest a bit.


GMed by Jared

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