Demonic Damsels in Distress
Midsummer 2, 6107 RTR (Jun 24, 2006) Miranda arrives at the Gnarly Tree for Isolde the witch to check on.
(Amelia) (The Legend of Buffy) (Miranda) (Morgan) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (Zahnrad)

Amelia carries Miranda to the Gnarly Tree, with Morgan and Liliana following. Isolde is just starting to relax when the tale of the vampire bite comes out, and she and Liliana get off on the wrong foot.

Keeping a calm head, Isolde listens to Miranda's story and says that the vampire probably wasn't trying to feed off of the lapi, but absorb some of her knowledge via her 'spirit' in the blood. In the same manner, using some of Lili's blood in a ritual can temporarily accelerate Miranda's curse to the point were she can detect and locate the vampire without being weakened enough to fall under its control.

Lili is unsure about this, and everyone gathers in the dining room to hear her explanation of why: she's got a demonic influence of her own that she was born with. This turns out to be exactly why Isolde wants to use some of Lili's blood.

Zahnrad arrives to tell everyone that it was trolls who tunneled up to the baths to deliver Miranda. There's some heated discussion about territoriality and politics, which Morgan brushes aside to declare the proper priorities: namely, curing Miranda of her vampiric curse.


GMed by BoingDragon

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