Rory runs for his life, away from the shapeshifting Lacinus tribe, and it looks for a moment as if they're about to pounce on him, but the leader of the tribe interposes himself between the frightened unicorn and the others, barking at them to recover their senses. The tribe disperses, and Mage Canticle visibly shaken arrives to collect and comfort the little unicorn. Apparently, the tribe had succumbed to a "pursuit instinct" when Rory had bolted out of fear.
At last, Rory and Canticle warily return to the village to spend the night, and then set out early the next morning, armed with held spells, to confront the fire-wielding hedge wizard that has been burning the Lacinus villages. They find the so-called "Daughter of Fire" a human girl outside her dwelling. She calls them "gods", and seems to equate the term with "mages", and thinks herself worthy of the title as well. There is a tense confrontation, but at last, Daughter of Fire considers the idea of coming to Caroban to be with the "other gods", and to learn how to better use her powers.