Crazy Dead Guys
Midsummer 12, 6107 RTR (Aug 01, 2007) Zahn, Olivia, Amy and Djivan try to get information from the recorded voice of Orifice and the head of Abner Wingnut.
(Amelia) (Blood From A Stone) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (Zahnrad)

Olivia has Djivan help carry the voice cylinders and playback device from the castle to Zahn's workshop, where they run into Amelia carrying a box of her own. There's a disturbance when the door is opened prematurely and a flurry of flying bits of lint attack Djivan.

Once they begin listening to the voice recordings, it becomes clear that Orifice was exploring the lower tunnels and keeping it (and his work creating imps) a secret from his assistant – who may or may not have been Igor.

The recordings reveal what happened to the cored-out tower they once found in a tree – the result of activating some sort of sonic tunneling device. Orifice's first encounter with trolls is also mentioned, and his desire to capture one.

The Eee scientist becomes more and more paranoid as the recordings progress.

Next to be looked at is the preserved head of Abner Wingnut. Zahn checks the scalp for signs of circular scars like Clover has, and finds some. Some minor surgery reveals them to be deep, but normal scar tissue.


GMed by BoingDragon

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