23 Apr 1998. A new Priest-King is crowned in the City of Hands.
(Envoy) (City of Hands) (Jynx) (Melchizedek) (Savan) (Turtle) (Zoltan)

Envoy, Zoltan, Jynx, Inquisitor Melchizedek, Inquisitrix Turtle and the mysterious Siltskin are present for the ceremony in which Third-Vision (also known as Jezebel or Third-Eye) is crowned as the new Priest-King (or Priest- Queen) of the Savanites. She honors Jynx and Zoltan for their help, while Envoy is left unrecognized for her part in all this. A pesky Naga reporter slithers around, trying to find "dirt", and various dignitaries chat after the ceremony is complete.


GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

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