Zahn finds himself underground, where two groups of trolls are fighting over Clover and Miranda. Zahn tries to intervene, but can't overpower the trolls. After Miranda is spirited off by one group, the other batch carry Clover off, but don't stop Zahn from following. They even carry him along when he suggests it to them.
They wind through various underground tunnels and halls, finally ending up in a steam chamber filled with giant machines and glowing tubes. There Zahn sees a vaguely humanoid seated figure nearly a hundred feet tall, covered in glowing tubes and orbs. The trolls strap Clover into a seat in the figure's chest, and start to sing while the Lapi screams.
Zahn wakes up hearing the last bits of song in his head, finding himself in bed with Clover back in the castle. When she wakes up, he asks her if she still doesn't remember anything, and she admits that she doesn't and doesn't want to remember it either. Igor arrives with breakfast, and Zahn takes him outside to ask what he knows about giant statues and heads in jars.