Aisha finishes sewing the last sequin unto Tasha's dancing costume, meant to make her look harmless, and helps the Vartan try it on. She goes back out on deck, and Aaron has her stretch and flex a bit to make sure the costume won't fall off or break.
Tasha does a bit of a flying as a final test, and spots ships on the horizon. The crew of the Calligenia prepare for contact raising the seven-headed flag of Clan Hydron and handing out special identifier medallions to let any Amazonian's know who is a guest.
The ships meet up, with a big red antlered buck swimming over to inspect the newcomer. He greets Calligenia and signals for the Gogran boat to lower its longboat.
Transferring to the new fishing boat goes without complications, and Tasha greets one of the Vykarins that power the paddlewheels of the Gogran craft, which makes its mate jealous. Dinner goes better, with at least one of the children talking to Tasha without fear, and many others investigating her wings.
After dinner, the Lapis prepare to sleep on the deck while Tasha manages to bunk with bellow with the Vykarins.