Bonfire Of The Inanities
Midsummer 2 (evening), 6107 RTR (Jun 25, 2006) Olivia and Djivan bring their findings to Natasha, while Parsley and Axel play with the gypsies.
(Axel) (Madame Natasha) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania)

Olivia and Djivan lug their collection of items to Natasha at the gypsy camp, where a bonfire and some impromptu music and dancing are going on. As they arrive, Axel and Parsley exit Liliana's wagon, where the doe has 'borrowed' some scarves and jewelry to dress up herself and Axel.

Olivia talks to Natasha about the strange list, and learns that it was part of test to prepare for entering somebody else's dream, as well as the reasons for each of the items.

Parsley talks to Djivan about the gypsy bucks she sees playing music (and who are interested in her). Djivan explains that they don't come out often for fear of getting snatched up by the local warren… just before realizing that Parsley is from the local warren. He takes her to see them anyway, and Parsley pretty easily gets them to wait for her in Lili's wagon to compete in a test of stamina… and then she gets six otter girls to go in do administer the test.

Axel decides he wants to dance, so goes to see if the rath'ani dancer, Rawnie, will teach him. He manages to both amuse and terrify the girl at the same time.


GMed by BoingDragon & Jared

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