Blood Beast
4 Harvest, 6104 RTR (30 Nov 2001) Alptraum encounters dark sorcery.
(Alptraum) (Nordika) (Sylvania)

Alptraum travels with Autumn-Storm to the town of Estershire, where they make some purchases from the general store there. They then go over to the Gorged Gallee tavern in hopes of tracking down the sorcerer they're pursuing. They are held off by two humans in the service of this sorcerer, while he escapes. Alptraum manages to persuade the sheriff that he's in the right, and the sorcerer is a fugitive, and they give chase. However, the sorcerer has his two lackeys stay behind when the sheriff and Alptraum catch up with them on the road. One of the lackeys sacrifices himself with a cursed dagger, and undergoes a horrific transformation, as the blood from his dying body congeals and forms into a solid monster. Alptraum and the sheriff flee, as the monster kills its "less faithful" comrade, and also one of the villagers who has the misfortune of not fleeing fast enough. Alptraum and Autumn-Storm escape by diving into the river, and the monster wrecks part of the bridge while trying to reach them, but it becomes apparent that the touch of water is anathema to this creature. Thus, Autumn-Storm and Alptraum are safe once they get across the river.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)