Beware the Tower
Leeta warns Tahir about Tarsus, and they start looking for the boy Savanite
(Leeta) (Test of the Astromancer)

Leeta rushes back to her room to find Tahir safe, and nearly finished with the food reprocessor. She tells him what almost happened to Rhys, and about her fears for the boy Savanite. The Candidate decides that finding him is the best option, especially after he explains how Tarsus has some deadly defenses, which must have been turned on somehow. They leave the room, with the girl Savanite in tow, and the food machine – just in case the attack on Rhys wasn't an accident. Hearing people in the elevator, they duck into a room. They manage to avoid running into the Elite guards, but not Rhys. The two candidates argue about the real meaning of the attack, and the best way to deal with the present conditions, then return to Tahir's room. Leeta and the girl cub stay back, and take the elevator to try and find the lost boy.


GMed by Zoltan

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Today is 19 days before Ring Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)