Before and Aftermath
8 Ring, 6104 RTR (exact date uncertain) Things are happening in Sunrise City…
(Dragon in the Green) (Lamu) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic)

Rory tries again to summon a shadow scout to check out the area in his dreams… while he's stuck in his circle there's a ruckus outside as some large bugs attack the ship, knocking over a bucket of nails, Reece, and spilling some lumber. Rory sees none of this, as he can't leave the confines of his circle until the spell is complete. The shadow mage's scout returns, exausted, and plays a scene… which isn't quite the way Rory remembers it from his dream. He also observes something attacking his scout.

As the spell finishes, leaving Rory feeling sad at the loss of his shadow creen, he exits his room to find Reece madly scrabbling around on the floor. The bugs that had attacked the ship earlier have stolen his necklace! Reece explains that without it, he'll be dead within a week. The determined little unicorn takes Reece to Latania and arranges to take his friend to 'Mother' to be healed before it's too late.


GMed by Zoltan

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Today is 4 days before Candlemass, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)