At Lightfoot's Apothecary run by the proprietor, Aaron Lightfoot, and his Skeek assistant, Jasmine Anisa the Lapi barmaid drops by, looking for spices … and she can't remember just what. A foppish fox bard drops by as well, annoying everyone, and composing a song about Anisa, before leaving in a rush (as he usually does).
On Anisa's way out, she trips over a small Aelfin Water Mage by the name of Scarlet. Scarlet comes in, seeking job opportunities. Francisco, the Kitsune Illusionist, comes in as well, seeking material components. As Aaron tries to tend to both of their needs, yet another customer comes in this one a "Naga" (actually a six-armed Rokuga) Spirit Mage by the name of Qing.
Qing seeks material components as well, but while he's telling Aaron what he wishes to buy, he starts acting a bit distracted … and starts chanting some cantrips and spells. Francisco and Scarlet are visibly agitated by Qing's rude nature and his unexplained spellcasting, and Francisco insists that Qing stop immediately. The Rokuga persists … and then it seems as if a malevolent spirit has manifested itself in the store, flinging objects every which way! Scarlet, Jasmine, Aaron and Qing dive for cover, while Francisco seems determined to ignore the disturbance.
Qing makes his escape, while Aaron throws some pieces of thistlebark into the screaming maelstrom. The disturbance comes to an abrupt halt, leaving Jasmine a sizeable mess to try to clean up. Aaron vows to press charges against the Spirit Mage, and Francisco indicates that he'd like to do so as well … but it seems that nobody bothered to get the name of the mysterious Rokuga.
Scarlet leaves, convinced that Rephidim is a rather interesting place to be after all.