Together, Tasha and Blammo proceed in to the Imperial sector only to discover their suspicions are confirmed: the crystalline crabs are advancing. After a brief conversationin which Mariel suggests the fire suppression system can be activated, Tasha and Blammo open fire with their flamethrowers, causing all Hell to break loose. In the end they flee the chamber, which is now a mess of wreckage, animate deity statues, aggressive aliens, water, flame, and lightning.
Soon after, the two armed explorers face a dire situations of an entirely different sort: Gabriel and Layth speeding towards them, the Captain's expression dire indeed. In short order Tasha is faced with her friends drawing weapons on her, and she then on them. The tense standoff relents when Tasha does, the woman removing her helmet and confirming her identity, which she had insisted was true. After an uncomfortable reunion, Tasha leads the two to show them her discoveries in the Khattan sector. While Tasha wants to bring the Titan back, Gabriel insists she return and get look at. The woman agrees reluctantly, and is asleep before they get half way back.