Willow journeys to Naochi City, built in the shadow of Castle Naochi. She stops at the Ember Inn for the night, and learns that it's Reckoning Day … and that the dead are believed to be restless on this night. Willow nonetheless is determined to continue with her plan to visit the graveyard, and sets out with Burr and Testament-Blaze. At the graveyard, she locates the grave and has Burr dig up the little coffins of the four infant Naochis … while a mysterious black Khatta appears that neither Burr nor Testament-Blaze can apparently see, even while Willow is conversing with it.
Willow finds that the coffin of Chiria Naochi does indeed contain a body, and thinks that that is that. However, the specter tells Willow a story about how Abzhalom made a "changeling" to replace Chiria, and that the infant was smuggled away. Burr and Testament-Blaze are suddenly able to see the Khatta, as he mutters something about a spell wearing off … and Willow guesses correctly that this isn't Dagh at all, but rather Prince Sebazhan from the lands of Dack. The Prince explains himself, having heard of Willow, and having utilized magic to keep tabs on her … but he denies having anything to do with Dagh, at least insofar as trying to bring him back to the physical realm.
As they start to leave, Willow starts seeing strange apparitions, and the corpses of her parents, Ria and Tachiri, rise from their graves. Willow shouts at them, venting her frustrations, but the corpses close in, attacking her … and then she finds herself in Sebazhan's carriage, held by Burr. It seems that Willow hit Burr while she was hallucinating, and Willow is mortified by the notion that she actually hurt the cheetah.
Willow gives her thanks to Prince Sebazhan, as he drops them back off at the Ember Inn … avoiding a few ghosts that wander down the streets. Willow goes to bed, planning to visit Castle Naochi in the morning…