Arkold, still stuck in an underwater cave with the Sirens on Ashtoreth, inquires of his Siren slave, Raneah, what is going on in the outside world. Before Raneah can answer all his questions, they are interrupted by the arrival of another Siren, who bears gifts a packet of Arkold's "powder" … and a fox by the name of Maza.
Arkold gloats over these new offerings, and Maza is evidently quite uncomfortable with the prospect of how she's to be treated by her so-called "sire". Once Arkold sends Raneah away, he assures Maza that he's only putting on an act, but Maza interprets some of his "assurances" as being less than whole-hearted. Maza does her best to convince Arkold of her value as an associate, introducing herself as a volunteer Offworld Legionnaire who specializes in archaeology, and pointing out a map possibly to a treasure horde engraved on the cylinder of Arkold's gatling pistol that he acquired from the Lazulian Corsairs.