25 Nov. Aaron enlists the help of Wynona and Bambridge.
(Aaron) (Bambridge) (Brishen) (Necropolis) (Rephidim) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona)
Lightfoot's Apothecary & Thaumaturgical Supplies
The public area of this shoppe in Rephidim's Merchant Quarter is rather small. An L-shaped counter separates the front of the store from the storage shelves that take up the bulk of the space, and also runs down along one wall holding various over- the-counter products and remedies. Two small circular tables and a few chairs occupy the corner next to the front window. A small cabinet rests against the wall beneath a large cork bulletin board covered with notices of Mage Wanted and Job Wanted ads. A large beaker of tea is kept hot on the cabinet, which also holds cups and a basket of pastries.

Behind the long counter, Aaron the Lapi searches through book after book, trying to find a match for a symbol he's copied onto a piece of paper: an oval on top of a double-barred cross.

The door to the store opens, causing the chimes to alert the shopkeeper to the entrance of a white-furred, platinum-haired Eeee in robes of sky blue. She proudly strides in, quite adept at always holding her hand in JUST the right way such as to maximize any viewer's chance of noticing the Mages' Guild ring on her finger that identifies her as an Alumnus of the Collegia Esoterica.

Aaron looks up and smiles, "Wynona! Did you get my message?"

Wynona turns to face the Lapi, smiling. "Yes, yes, most certainly. Your letter was SO polite. And, your store just happened to be on the way, so … " She slides over to quickly peruse the jobs bulletin board, but wrinkles her nose, hinting that she doesn't find anything to her taste "… so it's my pleasure to drop by. Now then, what was this magical matter you were writing about?"

Closing his book, Aaron pushes the piece of paper with the odd symbol on it across the counter. "I was hoping you could help me identify this figure?"

Aaron brushes his left ear out of his face, and adds, "I think it has to do with necromancy, but my only book on the subject is… umm… locked."

Wynona blinks, then tries rotating the paper around a bit. "Wellllll," she says, after a pause, "I think you may be right. If it weren't for this oval, this would look like the rune known as 'The Skull'. In Babel, you see, there's a matter of controversy, as some of the mages there arrange the Spheres slightly differently. They subdivide the Sphere of Spirit into Necromancy and Warding."

Wynona says, "The rune they assign to the 'Sphere' of Necromancy would be 'The Skull'." She covers the oval, leaving only the 'double-barred cross' visible. "Like so. But, that doesn't necessarily mean anything by itself."

Aaron nods, fascinated by Wynona's explanation… and a bit by Wynona herself. "So, it probably doesn't involve warding then?"

Wynona nods. "Quite probably. As for 'The Skull', in case you've never heard of it before," Wynona says, "that's simply because Necromancy is prohibited, you see, so it simply wouldn't be respectable to acknowledge a whole SPHERE of forbidden magic."

Wynona shrugs. "At least, that's my theory."

Aaron hmms. "What about the Warding part of the Sphere of Spirit? Is that taught at the College?"

"But, no, the emblem for Warding would be 'The Hand' … or else 'The Star', if you believed in that sub-sphere business. And, yes, Warding is certainly taught at the College. It's a matter of specialty for many. Admittedly, though, I don't mess much with the Sphere of Spirit, since, well, it's just not my area. And, quite frankly, Spirit Mages are, as a group, just not much fun at all at social functions." Wynona sighs with a look of faint distaste at some memory.

The Lapi blinks, "You go to social functions? Err, I mean… what are Spirit Mages like? I don't think any have ever come into the shop… "

Wynona puts a hand up beside her mouth, leaning forward to whisper loudly, "Either they're stuck-up sorts who wouldn't even be caught DEAD at a party … or else they're the sorts who give you the creeps. At least, that's my opinion, though don't go saying so."

Aaron nods quickly, causing his ear to flop over again. "You wouldn't happen to know any of them though, would you? I mean, if someone needed something warded?"

Wynona puts her hand to her mouth, furrowing her brow as if deep in thought. "I don't know any of them on a personal basis, but … "

Aaron chews on the tip of his ear while pondering something, then realizes what he's doing and brushes the black-furred obstacle back out of the way again. "Um… " he whispers, "can I trust you with a secret?"

Wynona raises her eyebrows, breaking out of her thoughts. "A secret? Why, certainly! Just as long as it's nothing illegal."

Aaron shakes his head, and looks around for eavesdroppers reflexively before leaning close. "No, not illegal," he whispers, "but maybe a bit dangerous. Ever heard of a secret society called the Sixth Kadam?"

Wynona's ears jiggle, then she snorts … then starts giggling!

Aaron blinks in confusion, "Ummm… ?"

"A … snort … secret society?" Wynona giggles again. "Why, yes!"

The rabbit's ears droop, "Oh, well… you must know something amusing about them that I don't."

Wynona waves a hand, then says, "Oh, well, I was thinking of mentioning them, actually, but only in half-jest. They're the most bizarre of the Spirit Mages. I can see where you might think them a secret society. They seem to take themselves so seriously. The trouble is, they can't seem to be content with being a real secret society. What's the fun, if nobody knows you're keeping a secret?" She giggles again.

Aaron blinks… and then narrows his eyes. "Hmm. So, they don't hide that they practice sacrifices to Dagh then?"

"Sacrifices to Dagh?" Wynona snorts. "Oh, sure, they might sacrifice a few croakers stolen from the dissection laboratory, perhaps. Oh, that's a gag of theirs, you know – Animating croakers while they're being dissected. Makes most of the girls scream." Wynona stands up straight. "Not myself, of course. I'm ABOVE that sort of thing." Her ears blush.

"And, as everyone KNOWS," Wynona chatters, "Dagh is just a myth. Simply a superstitious explanation for what modern mages today know … " She drifts off into a lecture regarding the complexities of "ether" and "mana", using a lot of terms Aaron has heard before, but being sufficiently arcane so as to make the bulk of it fly right over his head.

Aaron frowns, "Wynona, I'm afraid they sacrifice more than… err croakers." The rabbit whispers to the Eeee of his encounter in the Old Cemetery, and the Exile they were going to sacrifice and all the other odd things that happened that night…

Aaron stops short of showing Wynona his knife scar, however…

Wynona listens with increasing dismay and disbelief. "You … you can't be SERIOUS! The Old Cemetery? That's INSANE! They would be expelled immediately, if anyone knew they were venturing out to the Old City! And, I am QUITE certain that sacrificing Exiles is against the rules as well."

Aaron nods, "And there's more. I saw the Exile, Francisco, in the Bazaar the other day, talking to this Technopriest Eeee and another, and the Technopriest mentioned about how the body of that opera singer just vanished from the morgue, and that one of this Exile's enemies had been hanging around. It might have been one of the people at the ritual too. What if these guys are really Necromancers, and that corpse… well… was made to just WALK out… "

Wynona gasps! "Oh my! That's … unconscionable!"

Wynona asks, "So, you know an Exile personally?"

Aaron nods, "He helped me out of the cemetery that night."

Wynona says, "Well, that was nice of him. Really, I think the cemetery is simply a place to be avoided without exception. There's simply no point in visiting there. I mean, it hasn't been used in ages. Nobody should have any dear loved ones to pay respects to there, and nobody is buried there anymore."

"But, it gets stranger yet!" Aaron whispers, "That singer died while performing a Sylvanian legend about necromancers… and even now, there's a Sylvanian noble staying in Rephidim. An Aeonian!"

Wynona gasps, out of habit, then says, "An Aeonian? Well, that's nothing so bad."

Aaron says, "There were a lot of Nordikan types at the opera, I'm told. I haven't been able to find a guest-list though." He doesn't mention the hours he spend rummaging through the garbage in the alley behind Alysin's… "Anyway, I sent away to an old friend of my uncle's who has a big collection of … exotic… books. And he sent me this… "

Wynona nods absently, then looks to see what Aaron produces.

Aaron pulls out the locked tome from its hiding place, and lays it on the counter. "It's supposed to tell all about the legend, you see… um, but I don't have the key. It was unlocked when it was delivered though, and all sorts of strange weather was going on and the lights went out when I opened it… and that symbol was on the first page."

Wynona says, "Oh! Yes, very strange weather, indeed." Her ears blush.

Aaron wrinkles his nose and taps the book, "Do you think this has something to do with that? Can a book be warded so… whatever it was… doesn't happen again when it's opened?"

Wynona says, "Well … the best I could do would be to try to perform a ritual to try to offset any irregularities in the weather … but that's a fairly tricky business. It's a lot easier – relatively speaking – to make something happen than to make sure nothing happens. Or, I mean … well, it's NOT quite as simple as that, but … oh, bother!"

Wynona waves her hands and wings in frustration.

Aaron blinks again, and brushes his ear away. "If these Kadamists are in the Sphere of Spirit, there's no way to know which Warding specialists can be trusted… "

Inwardly, Aaron glows: A conspiracy that reaches into the Temple and the College as well! Jackpot!

Wynona frets. "Oh my! Why, I think you may be right! Oh … this is simply horrible."

Aaron's ears droop at Wynona's distress, so he tries to think of something positive. "Well… maybe there's a general anti-magic ward or something that can be used without having to actually bring the book to one of the mages… "

Wynona says, "I'm not sure. I've heard rumors that there are various ways non-wizards can thwart Necromantic magic, and I know for sure that Shadow Magic is susceptible to non-enchanted wards … but I don't know how I'd go about examining this to see what enchantments it might have… " She furrows a brow suspiciously, then adds, "… if any."

The bat runs a hand over the fuzzy white bindings of the book. "Awfully strange binding. I'd almost think it was… " She leans in closer, scrutinizing, then leaps back with a shriek!

Aaron blinks, "What is it? I mean, I know it's some sort of animal hide… "

"Eeeeeee!" squeaks Wynona, as she flaps her wings about wildly!

Aaron quickly moves the book back out of sight behind the counter, and looks worriedly at Wynona. "It's gone, see? Is it something you're allergic to?"

Wynona wipes her nose. "No. Not allergic at all." She wipes at her eyes. "Not unless I'm allergic to myself! That's Eeee skin!"

Aaron just stares for a moment at the bat, looking a bit ill…

Aaron says, "Oh… "

Wynona shudders. "I think … that book must have nothing good in it. What is the title, again?"

The Lapi steadies himself against the countertop, then has another frightening thought… "Oh!! Could it… I mean… if it's necromancy and all… but… the book couldn't still be alive or anything right? I mean, if it was an Eeee necromancer's skin… ooog." A few deep breaths, and Aaron is able to answer, "The Sylvanian Heresy."

Aaron shudders at the sudden image of an undead Eeee mage, forever searching for his lost bit of skin…

Wynona frowns. "I don't know anything about Necromancy … but a living BOOK sounds downright … warped."

Aaron comes around the counter and shakily brews a pot of tea, adding several herbs that have calmative effects. "Is there anyone you trust that might know what to do about this book? I mean, it isn't something those Kadamists might come after, is it?"

Wynona says, "Frankly, I'd only trust a fire mage – and that would be to BURN the book. And, even so, the first fire mage I can think of, I WOULDN'T trust – and that would be Kelsey Van Kabril. I mean … why, her own brother is a Spirit Mage, after all. It's like you just can't win, can you?"

Aaron blinks, "A Spirit Mage is her brother?? Oh dear! She hangs out with that Eustace fellow, the Arch Inquisitor's son, according to what I overheard. She's already tried to burn down my shop after I told the Guard my suspicions… "

Aaron pours the tea, and offers Wynona a cup. "And there was that antique shop that was burned down… Achimed's. Maybe he had some artifact like this book… "

Wynona says, "That Eustace fellow? Why, I just can't imagine her having anything to do with him. Well, frankly, I can't imagine her having anything to do with much of anybody."

"I've never met Eustace," Aaron notes. "What is he like?"

Wynona shrugs. "I don't know Eustace, personally. I've heard of him, since he's the spoiled rich kid of a well-to-do Arch-Inquisitor – Arch-Inquisitor do Varr – but he doesn't deal in magical circles, so I don't know anything beyond that."

Wynona ahems. "In any case … I think I SHOULD add to what I know about the Van Kabrils. This might make you think differently about them."

Aaron blinks, "What, you mean there's something redeeming about them? Kelsey tried to kill me!"

Aaron gulps his tea, and pours another cup.

"You see, really, the Van Kabrils hate each other, like, as I've heard it said, 'any proper noble family should'." Wynona rolls her eyes in distaste, but then she blinks in surprise. "She tried to kill you? And she hasn't kept trying, then?"

The Eeee ahems, then says, "In any case, I haven't been in the high society circles all THAT long … but, of course, now that I'm an Alumnus of the Collegia Esoterica, I get invited to more social functions. Ahem. As I was going to say, how I now the Van Kabrils best is that Lang Van Kabril raised a 'spirit' of his sister a few years ago. It just goes to show how much superstition surrounds the Sphere of Spirit, since Kelsey is most CERTAINLY still alive."

Aaron folds his ears back to hide the blush, "Well, I ah… appealed to her baser instincts… that is… " The rabbit frowns, "I bribed her. 40% lifetime discount… in writing!"

Wynona stops her narration, and nods. "Well … hmm … that WOULD be an awfully nice deal. Maybe I should threaten you sometime!" She winks conspiratorially.

Aaron smiles, "Oh, really now Wynona… you haven't used your new customer discount up yet!"

Wynona giggles. "Well, would you like to hear the rest of the story?"

"But… if they can conjure up spirits… do you think those Spirit Mages could conjure up something like the Sabaoth's dragon?" Aaron sips his tea nervously.

Aaron offers Wynona a seat at one of the small tables, "Of course I'd like to hear! For the sake of safety, of course, not because I like to collect gossip or anything… "

Wynona furrows her brow. "I've no idea, really. I mean … something that can breathe FIRE … that would surely require some collaboration with the Sphere of Fire. And why would they ever work together? Now then, I never witnessed this myself, but at the parties, Lang would drag out this spirit of his sister, which would repeat all sorts of embarrassing things she would say when she was younger. And it would go on and on and on about how someday she'd be a high and mighty fire mage. It's all rather embarrassing to Kelsey, I understand, now that she's a successful graduate and all. Purportedly, she positively HATES her brother for it. He's still in one piece, though. Maybe there's something else he could make the spirit volunteer that he's using as blackmail?"

Aaron brushes an ear out of his face, "Ohhh… so maybe Lang's actually controlling her somehow? But isn't blackmailing your own sibling rather dangerous?"

Wynona shrugs nonchalantly. "How can I know? I haven't even seen this 'spirit' myself. It might just be a boast. I mean, I'm quite certain that sort of use of the Sphere of Spirit would be against the rules. But it's dreadfully difficult to prove things like that."

Aaron rubs his chin, "Well. Might just be a stage trick too, you know? Like those seances you can get for 10 shekels in the Bazaar… "

Wynona says, "And really, about all this blackmailing one's own siblings … I hear it's ALL the rage among noble families these days."

Aaron sighs, "The nobility must be awfully bored if that's their idea of entertainment. No wonder they become members of weird conspiracies… "

Wynona says, "Are there any normal conspiracies to join?"

Aaron hmms again. "That depends," the rabbit grins. "I wonder though. The van Kabrils are poodles, and poodles come from Gallis mostly… and that's right next door to Sylvania. Maybe they ALL belong to weird devil-worshipping cults! I mean, it might explain a few things… "

Wynona hmms and nods. "Yes, I have to wonder. I mean, the only OTHER thing I know about Eustace is that I heard he bought a spiked collar the other day in the Bazaar, and he wasn't sizing a pet. They ARE such a strange sort."

Aaron shudders, "I tell you, Wynona, all these weird races… Poodles, Aeonians, those creepy K'huan, Exiles… It's amazing us normal types manage to survive at all!"

Wynona nods vigorously!

Wynona says, "The bulk of them, after all, are nearly deaf!"

Aaron whispers conspiratorially again, "And the worst of the lot are the Savanites! If anyone's pulling puppet-strings, I'll bet it's them!"

Wynona says, "Savanites?" She shivers a bit. "Well … yes. I don't deal much with them, if I can help it. Not anymore."

A black ear perks up, "Oh? Did you see something… unusual?"

"SEE?!?" Wynona's lip trembles. "I almost DIED because of those … those … those … Well, I SAW it, yes, but only with the help of a powerful seer who lived in the country I'd been BLOWN into when the airship was torched in the middle of one of my spells." Her lip quivers all the more.

Aaron reaches out to pat one of the Eeee's hands. "It's okay, I can probably imagine what happened… "

Wynona looks away. "It was all so insane. And it involved a crazy poodle and an Exile, too!"

Aaron perks up his white ear as well now, "An Exile? What sort of Exile?"

Wynona whispers, "I think combinations of poodles, Foxes and spotted felines are just … bad."

Aaron ahas, "Foxes! There seems to be more of them every day, and almost all of the recent invasion of Exiles have been foxes too… "

Wynona nods. "It's like there's some sort of CONSPIRACY to flood us with Foxes!"

Aaron nods vigorously, "You can never trust an Exile! Although… well, this Francisco fellow seems okay. Very… well… clueless."

"Francisco?" Wynona giggles. "You mean the good luck dolls with five tails they sell in the Bazaar?"

Aaron blinks, and brushes his black ear away (it just can't stay perked very long, it seems), "Dolls? I'm afraid I don't pay much attention to what's actually being sold in the Bazaar. But Francisco is a real person. A gray-furred fox… but he has five tails instead of one."

Aaron says, "His luck doesn't seem all that good though, from what I've seen."

Wynona hmms. "Well, the dolls look like Foxes, but with gray fur and five tails, wearing really ugly shirts. I think it's supposed to drive away evil spirits."

Aaron ahs, "Well, he does wear rather… unique shirts."

Wynona nods and sips her neglected tea. "Maybe the theory is that spirits have good fashion taste." She giggles. "They only wear the finest of bedsheets, you see!"

Tapping the side of his empty cup while giggling, Aaron says, "There's also this odd lizard fellow, calls himself… err. Woody. He's the one that stole the High Muckymuck's staff at the sacrifice. I haven't quite figured him out yet."

"Oh? Woody. What a strange name!" Wynona remarks. "Sounds like an Earth Mage name." She snickers.

Aaron says, "Well, he does seem the shady sort. Odd sense of humor too… "

Wynona nods, her smile fading. "Anyway, really, as for that book … I'm sorry for my reaction. That was most unprofessional of me. I think maybe it does deserve some investigation."

Wynona hmms. "We just need some way of opening it without breaking the lock. Damaging the book could be bad. It often is with anything you suspect of having any enchantment, even a dormant one."

Aaron hmms, "I suppose a locksmith could open it, and make a key… "

Wynona nods. "I suppose so. Just don't let on that there's any magic involved, or I'm sure you'll get charged an outrageous amount, just on principle."

Aaron hmms… maybe he can get it done for free somehow…

Aaron says, "You know, the thing about not-so-secret societies is that there are always some applicants that just don't make the cut. Maybe there are a few of those in the College who'd be willing to help us?"

Wynona hmms. "I hadn't thought about that angle. That's a possibility, I suppose."

Aaron smiles, "You must still know some of the students, right? Maybe one that could ask around?"

Wynona nods. "Certainly. I'm just trying to think of the best way to go about it. I mean, I don't want to raise any suspicions."

There's a tiny clicking noise from the back of the store.

Aaron's ears shoot up. "Someone's at the back door!! I'd better go see."

A brightly-clad shape flutters outside, darting about for a moment before landing near the door. Chimes rattle as Brishen steps inside and calls out cheerily. "Hi, Aaron! You've got a package!"

Brishen nudges the door shut behind her as she looks around, an ear swiveling slightly.

Aaron stands up, suddenly torn… "Brishen! A package? Oh, this is Wynona… why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back!"

The Lapi leaps over the counter and runs to the back of the shop to check on the door.

Wynona starts to get up, then starts to sit back down, then stands up again. "Greetings! I am Wynona Windcaller, Alumnus of the Collegia Esoterica, of the Sphere of Air."

"Don't bother," hisses a familiar voice. A be-cloaked reptile walks casually from the stockroom, munching on a sesame cake. "Have you anything to wash this down with? These make one's throat dry."

Aaron squeaks at the sight of the lizard. "Uhmm… well, tea… " the rabbit says, flustered.

A small hand reaches up to brush a lock of hair from her eyes as Brishen glances at Wynona. "Oh, hi! I'm Bree – Just a courier, I'm afraid."

Wynona frowns slightly at remembrance of the LAST courier she ran into. "Oh! Yes … Couriers have such a colorful profession."

Bambridge grins at his host. "You're most kind." He helps himself to a ceramic cup of the tea already brewed, and takes a sip before hissing, "I was passing by after finishing my … errands, and thought I'd see how you were doing on our little research project, hmmm?"

Aaron recovers, and says, "Ah… Woody… yes. I've made some progress, actually. I'd like you to meet Miss Wynona Windcaller, of the Sphere of Air… "

Brishen hops up on a stool, smiling as she furls her wings. "It can be an interesting job." She glances towards the back of the store, hoping to catch a glimpse of Aaron.

Wynona looks to the lizard. "Woody?" she squeaks. "Not THE Woody?"

Aaron introduces the lizard to the Eeees, "Yes, that Woody. I think he might be able to help us with the lock problem as well… " The Lapi frowns a bit at the lizard, but wipes it away as he turns to Brishen, "A package, you said?"

The lizard glances sidelong at Wynona. "Ahh, a pleasure to meet you, Mage Windcaller." He frowns slightly, and starts to say something about being called 'Woody', but dismisses it.

Brishen stammers as she notices Bambridge, then turns to Aaron. "Uh-huh!" Her wings flutter a little as she shifts about on her stool.

Bambridge's head whips around, the reptile finally spying Brishen. "YOU!"

Brishen squeaks! "Me! Um – YOU!"

Wynona hmphs. "Surely more formal introductions are in order?"

Brishen brushes a lock of hair from her eyes. "Um – um. Um."

Wynona walks beside Aaron and leans sideways to whisper, "Why is it, every time I'm around you, I suspect that everybody around me is part of some conspiracy, and I'm the only one left out of the fun?"

"The courier and I have… already met," hisses 'Woody', without taking his gaze from said eeee. "We'll be conducting some business later. You won't be going anywhere soon, will you, m'dear? Good." He looks at the mage, and the shopkeeper. "Now then… what's this about a lock?"

Aaron tries to look at everyone at once, and gets his ears tangled…

Brishen fidgets, wings fluttering. "Oh, I think I have a lot of deliveries to attend to." She glances at Aaron hopefully as she thrusts a package towards him. "Here!"

Wynona looks to Aaron. "I presume everyone here is a friend of yours? And Woody must be a locksmith?"

Aaron looks at the package, "Oh, yes… thank you… What do I owe you, Brishen??"

Wynona elbows Aaron. "The LOCK. Aren't you going to show him the LOCK?"

"Ah, yes, locksmithing has been a hobby of mine for some time," hisses Bambridge smoothly. "What have you got for me?"

Aaron ohs… and sets the package down, "Yes… Woody… can you open a small lock?"

"Um. Um. Five shekels," Brishen squeaks, looking from Aaron to Bambridge and back again.

Brishen bounces up and down on her stool, wings fluttering. A lock of hair trails down to tickle her muzzle.

Aaron fumbles in a pocket and pulls out a 10-shekel piece which he presses into Brishen's hand, "Oh here you go, and thanks again Brishen! I might have some packages for you to deliver tomorrow… "

Bambridge places one paw on Brishen's shoulder, smiling slightly. "I'm sure your duties can wait just a little while longer, hmmm? We have a little bit to catch up on."

The reptile regards Aaron, but doesn't take his paw off Brishen's wing. "Well, bring it over to the counter here, and let me get a look at it."

Brishen doesn't even look at the shekel as she stuffs it into a pocket and hops off her stool. "Thanks!" She squeaks, spreading her wings as she tries to jump into the air. "Eeep!"

Wynona gives Brishen and 'Woody' a worried look. "Uhm … Aaron?" She glances questioningly to Aaron.

Aaron says, "Oh, yes, the book!"

Aaron hurries behind the counter, and pulls out the book…

"Please, Miss Brishen, stay just a while longer," hisses Bambridge, his eyes narrowing. "I think you'll find it well worth your while. My business with the shopkeeper shouldn't take long, hmmm?"

Aaron says, "Uh, Woody? Brishen has deliveries to make… do you really need to talk to her now?"

Aaron looks between the lizard and courier worriedly. He's not sure he wants to expose Brishen to more weird weather if the book really is enchanted.

"It's very important that I do," replies the lizard, attempting to keep his balance as Brishen hops around nervously… "The book shouldn't be too difficult, with what I've dealt with."

Brishen looks at Wynona as her lower lip starts to tremble. She squeaks, "I reallyreallyreally need to go."

Aaron frowns, "Well, I don't think she has time, really, Woody… I'm sure you can wait just a little while."

Bambridge clucks his tongue. "Would you stay if I gave you a gift, young eeee?"

Wynona hmphs and crosses her arms. "If she insists on going, I think she has every right to. If she's a courier, she has a schedule to keep, you know."

"Oh, I really don't think I could take a gift – We don't know each other!" she squeaks. Bree looks at Wynona pleadingly, then starts hopping up and down again, her wings buffeting the reptile nearby.

Aaron fidgets nervously, and wishes Jasmine was here… not that the older Skeek is much of a bouncer, but she does have lots of kids she controls.

Wynona frowns, and backs away … then starts chanting under her breath, glaring warningly at the lizard.

The reptile takes his paw off the bat's shoulder, his slit eyes thinning a smidge more. "Very well… " he hisses, a hard edge to his voice. "But I will find you again to discuss that little search you sent me on through the northern Bazaar."

Brishen takes the opportunity to leave, almost flying as she scrambles out the door. The chimes rattle and bounce about as she dashes across the sidewalk, almost bumping into a few passers-by before she leaps into the air. "Hey!" "Careful!" "She looked really scared – What happened?" A few curious faces turn towards the shop, but no one really pauses to investigate.

Bambridge lets his cloak fall back around him, and lowers his nose, the tan tip the only thing exposed, and shuffles back to the counter. "A matter for another time," he sniffs. He begins examining the tome in question.

Once Brishen is gone, Wynona lets the spell detonate … causing what sounds like a hand-clap in a far corner of the room. Nothing spectacular.

Bambridge's cape rustles slightly.

Aaron hmphs, "You really do need to work on your manners a bit, Woody. Especially when it comes to knocking… "

"The door was unlocked, I assumed it was an invitation," replies Bambridge, shrugging. "Do you want this thing opened or not?"

Aaron sighs, "Well… anyway, this book deals with necromancy, which we think is at the heart of this Sixth Kadam group… "

Wynona looks pointedly at Aaron. "The contents of the book, I'm sure, have no bearing on the difficulty of the lock."

Bambridge hefts the book, nodding at Aaron. "So you've had a little chat with the mage here about them?"

Aaron's ears droop, as he gives Wynona a 'what can I do, he saved my life' sort of look…

Aaron says, "Ah… yes. They seem to be based in the Sphere of Spirit."

Wynona sighs audibly and crosses her arms as she watches.

"And you learned… ?" The sentence is slightly muffled, as the reptile is currently holding a tiny bone rod with a squiggly tip in his teeth while he taps something in the lock with another made of chitin.

Oh great, now Wynona and Brishen probably both think I'm a wimp… The Lapi brushes his ear away from his face again.

Wynona shakes her head, then says, "Well, he was asking me about the rune on the cover. I can tell you with all certainty that the cover is made from Eeee skin, and the rune strongly resembles the rune of 'The Skull', associated with the pseudo-Sphere of Necromancy in some arrangements of the Spheres of Magic … but not any officially sanctioned by the Collegia Esoterica, of course."

Aaron nods, watching what the lizard does to the metal lock… "Be careful not to break it, Woody."

Wynona clenches her teeth at the sight of a bone rod being used for the lockpicking…

The Wooden Shekel hisses, "Hmph. Sanctioned or not, they're amateurs." Something in the lock gives way, and with a gentle twisting motion, the shiga pulls his pick free. He deposits it in a pocket of his cloak, and lolls his tongue to deposit the other pick similarly.

The clasp pops open. It would seem the book can be opened now.

Aaron says, "Could you make a key for this lock as well?"

Aaron eyes the book with a renewed feeling of dread, not sure that he wants to open it again…

"I'm afraid I… ah, had to pawn my smithing materials," hisses Bambridge. "The lock probably won't function with the chip of chitin I left between the clasp and housing inside, but I wouldn't close it all the same."

After taking a deep breath, Aaron reaches over and opens the book to the first page, which repeats the title and shows the odd necromantic sigil.

Outside … the weather doesn't change a bit. No swirling clouds. No hail. No howling winds.

The old book begrudgingly opens to reveal its long-kept secrets to the eyes of those assembled…


GMed by Greywolf

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