24 Mar 1998. Senior Investigator Kani is briefed by Bridge Officer Nimiss in the wake of the Wooden Shekel's heist.
(Kani) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple)
Records and Procedure Officer Nimiss's office has one of the few windowed views that are available in the vast ceramic-metallic bulk of the Rephidim Temple, a long narrow slit that looks out upon the city of Rephidim in all its tangled and people-choked throughfares and edifices. The gray-brown walls of the old city where Darkside has sprawled are the farthest to be seen, and beyond them, a stretch of green, then the light blue skies of Sinai. The black bat's desk resides at the very center of the bulkhead-cramped space, upon a dais, illuminated by three globes hanging overhead – One went out some long time ago and has yet to be repaired, so only two are left. Nimiss's chair behind it resembles a throne in the quality of the woodworking… and the gold worked into the fittings. His desk is strewn with papers, tangible proof that he is not so high as to elude the necessity of red tape. The small chairs for visitors invite concern as to whether they might collapse at any moment, however…

As the door creaks open, Bridge Officer Nimiss's tall-backed chair swings about so that the black Eeee can regard his visitor, a white-furred Keiltyn being ushered in by two Jupani guards. "You may go," he says to the guards. "Do sit, Senior Investigator."

The file cabinets are back in place; the office has been straightened. One might not have guessed that it was broken into in the first place.

That is, if one hadn't heard the rumors flitting around the Temple.

Kani splays his ears as he enters, then nods, offers a polite salute … and sits. His tail curls around one of the legs of the chair. "Sir."

"Undoubtedly you have heard the news, Senior Investigator," Bridge Officer Nimiss says. "It appears that the thief, surprised, took only some of the folders in my private locker. These are very specific folders: those concerned with the investigation of the affairs of the late Arch-Inquisitor Moffat. Do you have any comments about this?"

The door clicks shut behind them as the Jupani guards finish wheeling it closed.

Kani blinks … then takes a deep breath. "Well … Sir, obviously the thief was and is in some way connected with Moffat's former associates? Perhaps the break-in and theft was meant as a means to obtain information that would have implicated them in crimes, possibly of a severe or capital nature? I can't imagine why else a criminal would go to such risk… "

Nimiss says, "Very likely. Or else they believed this information would lead them to a treasure of a kind that would justify the extreme reaction that this will generate from the Temple." He pauses. "I have ordered the Port to be closed to all Nagai and Shigai, and furthermore, I have initiated a search for the individual known as Tugsley Pines. Would you like to know why?"

Kani blinks again, and nods. "A treasure … Yes. And yes sir, that is extreme, with the possible impact on relations with the Nagai, but if it is justified… " He swivels one ear. "Yes sir, I would like to know who this Tugsley Pines is. Is he a suspect?"

The bat tosses a coin that reflects dully in the air as it arcs toward Kani's hands.

Kani's paw moves quickly to snap it out of the air. He turns it over and opens the paw to regard the coin curiously.

It is a wooden shekel, with a stylized depiction of a Shiga on one side.

Kani looks puzzled. "It is not a valid currency that I am familiar with, sir. A calling-card? The thief's … mark?"

"Tugsley Pines is a Shiga who visited some time ago with information about a ring of artifact smugglers, who were using certain sorts of crates to pass these items through Customs without the need to bother the Temple about such things," Nimiss continues. "He provided several leads that have indeed led to the confiscation of airships stuffed nearly bursting with archaeological treasure, some of it curiously new in appearance. You may be familiar with the situation, having been involved in it."

Kani's tailtip flicks slightly against the chair leg. "Yes, sir. That is one of my ongoing investigations, though I was not aware that it extended to more than simple trade goods. Artifacts … How might he have come about these leads, I wonder?"

"I suspect now, however, that his visit was merely a pretext to gain information on the layout of my office. Perhaps whomever is behind this enterprise was willing to sacrifice a few airships to gain a larger prize," the black bat concludes.

Nimiss adds, "Normally I would not have suspected him any more than any of the other visitors who have been in my office in the past few weeks, of course… but the coin you now hold was found on the shelf. It appears to have been newly carved."

Kani's eyes narrow. "A decoy in order to gain your confidence. A sacrifical rugrhat given in order to win your trust. Yes … I would suspect that as well."

Kani glances at the coin again. "By leaving this … mark, the thief demonstrates either a tremendous ego and overconfidence in his abilities, or simply a complete and utter lack of intelligence. He's made it quite easy for us to point him out, I'd say."

Nimiss says, "Perhaps. Or perhaps he wishes us to devote our resources to hunting him out, while other, more nefarious aims are pursued. Here is another curiosity." He picks up a box from behind the desk and slides it forward over the recently cleared-off surface.

Kani's ears perk forward as he leans towards the desk, reaching for the box. He examines it thoroughly.

Inside it is … a slightly charred Guy Fox doll, with five tails sticking out the back. A toy.

Kani lifts the object disdainfully. "A … toy, sir? This was found here as well?" He sniffs at it, attempting to determine what might have burned it.

"This individual, whom we shall refer to for now as the Wooden Shiga, apparently stocked a number of launchers with these toys which he then used to distract the rooftop guards from their usual errands. It appears that they have hit upon a weakness in Temple security that shall be rectified immediately by those best in a position to do so," the black Eeee explains. "The design is unique and may help point to confederates."

Kani looks back up at Nimiss, nosepad quivering. "Indeed. Flaming toys. There must be a source of these, then. If there were others, identical, I must simply find their manufacturer. Possibly a Bazaar merchant. I've noticed a number of stuffed toys on display thereabouts. And … if none of the guards who retrieved this particular … doll were of the Skreek race, then I would suspect one or more of being involved. This has been handled by a member of that race."

Nimiss nods to Kani. "Just so. Tell me, have you made any progress on your investigation of the folder that I gave you?"

Kani drops the Guy Fox doll back into its box. "In some ways, sir. The matter of the incident in the Nagai Empire has occupied my attention in many ways. There was much … aftermath of the unusual events that occured." He seems to trail off, looking down into the box again. "That toy … five tails, a gray fox. And that highly offensive tunic it has." He stares back up at Nimiss. "I have seen a live being that resembles this toy. He was simply part of a Temple workcrew street cleaning in the Scholar's Quarter early one morning. Shall I attempt to find him, and if so, would you wish me to simply question, or apprehend for Inquisition?"

Kani says, "Or … perhaps … insert into associated culture and attempt to infiltrate the possible leads related to the dolls. "

"Use your best judgment, Senior Investigator," Bridge Officer Nimiss says. "It is undesirable to create panic in the populace of Rephidim. Perhaps simple questioning will do. Now then, do you understand that you are now a target?"

Kani blinks… and flicks his ears. "Me, sir?"

"Yes. They may be aware that you possess the first folder and may be on the way toward securing other parts of Moffat's considerable legacy of information," the black Eeee says flatly.

Kani considers that. "I see. I shall have to take cautions, though… " He can't help smiling faintly. "… they know only that Senior Investigator Kani Agochara might possess the files. Not of Inquisitor Ciar or other personae that may in fact go about business normally."

Nimiss nods. "Possibly. Did you have something in mind?"

Kani pauses, considering. "Yes, perhaps … It might in fact be of assistance if Kani were to, say … go abroad for a time. To vanish, literally. For me to perhaps reside outside the confines of the Temple, living under the pretext of one of my more harmless personae as I go about my investigations. To vanish into our fine society, and simply report to you and Inquisitor Zeffel as needed, moving in and out of the Temple as other innocuous personae. To that end, I would be willing to use my personal savings towards the purchase of a residence in the community … though assistance in obtaining seized auction property at a reasonable price would be … highly appreciated?"

"Mmm. And how would you proceed then?" Nimiss says.

Kani says, "I would seek out this Tugsley Pines, perhaps through another contact related to the smuggling ring. And once he is found, seek out the location of the missing folders, find those who have been privy to the information contained theirin, and eliminate or refer them for arrest and Inquisition as is fit to further the closure of this matter."

"See if you can spare some time as well to further your investigation of the first folder as well," Nimiss directs. "You may well be in a race with these others to obtain some crucial datum. You may find it profitable as well to see if any of the wood-carvers in the Crafters' Quarter or the Bazaar are familiar with the wooden coin, and if so, how they came to be commissioned."

Kani nods. "An excellent suggestion. And … a race indeed. If so, I shall make every effort to arrive at the goal first. Any crucial fact or relevant goal I come across shall of course be retrieved, added to the folder and replaced with a false plant so as to throw off these others … perhaps a false plant that may lead them into a trap, if possible. The woodcarvers … yes, I should not have any difficulty in communicating with them. And most merchants will reveal much for a simple palm of coin."

Nimiss says, "This is true. Submit a request for anything you may need and I shall endeavour to see that it is made available." He frowns, turning in his chair to regard the morning city of Rephidim. "I shall expect regular reports. This business may well shake the Temple, if it is as I think it is."

Kani watches the Eeee, his expression growing more serious. "I shall, sir, thank you. You will have reports as always. And … I shall do my best to insure that this business is ended well before that becomes a truth. I do not wish our society disrupted by anarchistic criminals such as these. They will be brought to justice."

"See to it, Senior Investigator," Bridge Officer Nimiss says quietly. "And you may well earn your Inquisitorship sooner than you think. Good day."

Kani rises and salutes. "Yes sir. I will see to it, sir. And … thank you, as always." He does look slightly startled at the last statement, however. Pleasantly so. "Good day, sir." With that, he turns and pads softly to the door, waiting for the guard to open it … then slipping quietly out.


GMed by Lynx

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Today is 6 days after Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)