Rephidim docks a hole in the wall would probably be a kind way to describe the bar in question. A dark room, with perhaps ten rickety chairs and only a bar in the loosest sense of the word. Behind the bar is a wide selection of four choices of drink. Numerous gougings in the wall attest to the rough nature and lack of upkeep.
The few patrons of The Lanyard slump over the bar, really just several planks on sawhorses. Only one patrol looks to not be enjoying the fare… a large kavi sits on the far end of the bar, waiting.
A sable-feathered bird with an easy smile around his beak stomps through the door. "Grungy, an' w'out a touch o' elegance. Good, I won't feel bad fer breakin' somethin'." He makes his way farther in, casting his gaze from side to side.
A cougaress moves into the room in a way that suggests she's spent a lot of time in places like these. She whips her head around in a quick scan on the occupants, one hand visible on the knife at her belt, and the other hand hidden under her cloak. She follows after the Korv.
K'ale quickly recognizes the feathered fellow entering, and gets to his feet. He walks up to greet him, and the cougar, "I'm glad you could make it, I was half sure you would take the silver and leave."
Aaron follows in on the heels of the cougar, trying not to look intimidated by the surroundings.
The heavyset kavi smiles slightly, "Better and better, we'll have the whole group here yet. I'm afraid I didn't catch your name last time, young Lapi… "
The door opens yet again, and the winged-Heyoke Lochinvar enters, looking considerably more comfortable at these surroundings than the Lapi.
Sasta nods briefly to the Kavi, her flicking ears showing her attention to his words as she keeps glancing around the room.
"Aaron," the Lapi remarks. "Aaron Lightfoot."
The last to enter is a brown-furred Khatta, easily mistaken for any other resident of the docks save for the uniform and insignia she wears that mark her as a captain of one of the many ships that come and go each day. Her whiskers twitch slightly as she surveys the dim room; noticing the Kavi, she makes her way over to that group.
K'ale offers his gloved paw to the Lapi, "K'ale." He gestures at the bar, "Take your drinks now, if you want something. All of you."
Aaron shakes the Kavi's hand, acting very civil about it.
K'ale shakes firmly, "I believe I have met the rest."
"I'll take a Eeath," the cougaress orders from the barkeep, and holds it casually once it arrives.
Kensington eyes the selection dubiously, and sniffs. "Bet it be watered… this don't look like th' best place fer a brew. I'll jes' be sittin', and ye can tell us about what we're 'ere t'do."
The kavi nods, "Talking we can do. But sitting will come later. Does everyone have what they want?"
The Lapi quietly passes on the offer of a drink.
"Mead," Lochinvar says to the bartender, and turns back to face the gathering once he gets it.
K'ale slowly looks from each to each, and speaks once Lochinvar has his drink, "Very well, we'll take a walk, and I'll explain. Follow me, please." He lifts two of the planks, and passes behind the bar, walking through a low door.
Aaron looks around to see who might be watching the group before following.
Kensington casts a glance over his shoulder, then follows, his sabers clanking faintly in their sheathes.
The corridor beyond is narrow, and sloped downwards. It opens up into a small storeroom, with a staircase leading up on one side, probably to the quarters of the innkeeper. Another wooden door opens on the far side of the room, and the kavi opens this, walking through.
Lochinvar, like all the rest, looks over his shoulder before following, having to stoop quite a bit while going through the door.
Sasta lets the captain pass, then brings up the rear, gulping down her drink as she walks.
The door leads to a stone stairway. He stops at the top, and pulls a torch from the wall, lighting it with a flint. As the rest of the intrepid explorers come in behind, he shuts the door, and locks it, "Forgive me, but it's a simple precaution. We don't want guests."
The corsair shrugs his wings at K'ale. "If ye say so. Don't see why we need t'run around tunnels like vermites, but it's yer shekel."
The Kavi smiles, "Actually, there is no need whatsoever for you to run around the tunnels, but I beg your indulgence." He takes another torch from the wall, and hands it to the corsair, "And it's not the tunnels, so much as where they lead out." He starts down the spiraling stairs, "Now… have any of you ever heard of the Nobakhim?"
The Heyoke nods. "I've heard of them, though we don't see many up here in Rephidim."
Aaron nods, "I've heard of them."
"Twistee nutants, no k'n trrust then. Lots of nouths ane each one full of lies," Sasta comments, following the others. "That's what I hearr."
The kavi chuckles softly, "Yes, you're both correct, actually. To some extent. I don't suppose any of you know any background about them, though, do you?" The staircase opens out into a cellar, earth-floored and damp, lined with old moldy shelves.
"Background?" the Lapi asks. "They live in the desert and eat sandfish that would probably kill anyone else."
"They live wherre the lane is currsee, wherre nothing grrows except forr poison ane spines. They wanerr with… " Sasta starts to say, then stops as she hears Aaron's explanation.
Kensington raises his torch to let the light the way a little farther, the damp glistening on the walls. "I 'eard legends an' rumors. They keeps t'themselves. Least, I ne'er seen on crewin' an airship."
"That's a partial truth, Aaron, but it is as much as most people know," K'ale replies. He moves across the cellar to a low spot in the floor, "And again, you are both correct, yet it is incomplete. Would you believe me if I told you that maybe you had sailed with one, Mr. Kensington?"
"We saw one few eays ago, ah?" Sasta pokes Aaron lightly in the back.
Mira's ears perk forward. (Really.)
The Korv cocks his head to one side curiously. "Aye? Think I woulda remembered… but it gets cold in the skies, an' a lotta sailors wear 'eavy clothes. Maybe I missed 'im." His eyes narrow, torchlight reflecting off black orbs. "But then, 'ow do ye know so much about where I sailed, an' wit' who?"
"Francisco, you mean?" the Lapi asks Sasta. "He said he was an Exile though… "
"Ya, hin. I think he say so that he gets trreatee betterr." The cougaress takes a moment to examine the ceiling, then finishes her 'death'. She lets the empty mug swing by her side as she walks.
Lochinvar looks at the Lapi. "By him, I imagine you mean that odd five-tailed Zerda?" he asks.
Aaron nods to Lochinvar.
K'ale carefully places his torch propped up against a rock, "I wouldn't know the first thing about that, I assure you. However, I merely want to open your mind to new possibilities." He reaches up into the right sleeve of his tunic, and carefully strips off his long black glove, which had apparently reached nearly to his shoulder. His scaled, reptilian arm reflects the torchlight slightly. He starts carefully clearing away the floor-dirt in the low area.
Sasta lets out a low growl that fades away. "I no too big on surrprises." She adds, after a moment of staring at the kavi's arm.
Kensington's beak drops open slightly. "Wha-… so yer th' bloke I sailed wit'? 'Owed ye keep outta me sight?"
The Heyoke merely looks at K'ale, head tilted slightly, not showing that much surprise. Publicly, anyway.
The Korv's bill snaps shut again, and he nods grimly. "Aye, Sasta's right. That be quite a thing t'spring on yer new crew."
Aaron hmms, "So you're a Nobakhim then, K'ale? Or did you just linger in their territories for too long? I've heard it rumored that the land can do that to people… "
The kavi finally clears a patch of the dirt around a small hatchway in the floor, which he lifts, opening up a sub-basement. He talks as he works, "I'm sorry, but would you have even spoken to a mutant if I had come to you that way at first? Given your description of us earlier, I'm guessing not. Anyways, the most badly mutated of our kind remained in the desert, while those of us who could pass for normal moved to Rephidim. This is ancient history, but it has continued that way all the way up until now." He stands by the opened hatch, "Are you still with me? There is no shame in backing out now."
Mira remains silent, but her eyes and ears constantly survey everyone. She knows it's good practice to learn about possible customers and what they do when they're not talking to you is as telling (perhaps more so) as when they are.
"I say I no likes surrprrises, no that I afrraie." The cougaress climbs down into the hatch.
K'ale smiles at Aaron, "I am Nobakhim… I have actually never been to the desert, I have lived in Rephidim my whole life." He blinks as Sasta enters, "Well, there's one at least… are the rest of you with me? And I'm afraid I've never served on an airship, Mr. Kensington, you have me mistaken."
"What you are is really of no concern to me," Lochinvar remarks, and follows the cougaress down the hatch.
Aaron hmms, and follows along as well.
"Then who's this blighter y'keep flappin' about, what served wit' me, then?" asks the corsair, following behind with the torch.
K'ale turns to Mira, "And you? I reckon your opinion matters more than the rest of theirs together, you're the one with the ship… "
Mira fixes her gaze on K'ale. "I've no problems with th' Nobakhim," she says, "as long as they behave on my ship."
K'ale picks his torch back up, "We behave, and we pay our bills on time." He disappears down the hatch, then holds up the torch, lighting Mira's way down.
The captain follows behind the 'Kavi.' "Aye, then I've no quarrel."
"Lemme light yer way, luv," rasps Kensington, holding a wing out to Sasta. "Wouldn't do t'turn an ankle before ye get in a fray, aye? Ye won't misstep unner me wing, hurrr… "
"I doubt Sasta will slip under any circumstances," Aaron says, then adds with a grin, "Kenny."
The Cougaress grins, "verry consieerate Kensington. Thanks ah?"
Once the group has reconvened at the bottom of the hatch, the Nobakhim reaches up to close it. The sub-basement is quite small and damp, though comfortably tall. The far wall can't be seen, and it's towards this blank spot that K'ale heads, "A very long time ago, centuries ago, there were no Nobakhim. The desert was still fertile back then, and the population strong. Have you ever met a Zerda?"
Sasta nods, "like snall Jupani with big earrs?"
"I have," says Lochinvar. "Not many, but a few anyway."
The avian smiles around his beak at the cougaress, but his dark eyes flick a glance at Aaron, the feathers around his neck bristling. "Ye just keep steppin' closer t'the line, Lapi… " he rasps under his breath. "Jus' step on o'er it… "
Kensington turns his attention back to K'ale. "Aye, seen a zerda or two. Why?"
K'ale nods, "More like a Keiltyn, only smaller and bigger ears, but it sounds like you have the idea. They were who we all were, there were no mutations, no poisonous fish, no piracy. It wasn't a perfect existence, but it was peaceful for the most part. Until we made an enemy, who simply wanted to take what we had."
"A what?" Sasta winks a few times with a confused look, then pokes under one side of her muzzle and rubs at a tooth. "So… you usee be little Keiltyn, ane now you looks like a lizzarre kavi?"
"Why you no looks norre like a Zerrea?" She finishes
Aaron says, "Well, Zerdas are built for desertlike environments… "
"Aye, Sasta, an I'm Baron Phelan," mutters Kensington.
The basement narrows to a corridor. "When we wouldn't give in to force, they had their most powerful mages curse us. Most of us were stricken immediately, our bodies becoming parodied mixes of everything that Sinai is." He chuckles at Sasta, "No, I was never a Zerda, that was all long before my birth, and the lines have run apart since then. Those of us that weren't changed immediately, succumbed later, as the spell was slow in wearing off. Only the very strong-willed retained their form, and it was they who kept the Zerda line alive to the meager numbers it has today."
Lochinvar hmphs. "Might have known magic would have had something to do with it," he says, clearly with distaste.
The cougaress says simply, "Okaay," as if she has run into other incomprehensible things before.
The corsair doesn't look convinced… but what the heck. He's seen weirder. "Aye, grand… but whatsis 'ave t'do wit' us?"
"Those Nobakhim with the most terrible mutations stayed in the desert… they are the most common, and most noticeable, they became the brigands you have heard of. There were others, changed not so severely, who moved away. A contingent set up here, on Rephidim, and settled down." The torchlight passes under some stone jutting down into tunnel from above… the foundation of the building, it would seem.
"In the sewerrs?" Sasta asks.
Aaron says, "Underside?"
K'ale smiles, "I'm getting to that… it was much later, several generations, that one of us found that the curse could be reversed. Naturally, we turned all of our attentions to that. It was difficult, though. Some of us could pass unnoticed among the rest of society, but many descendants were just as badly mutated as those that had remained behind. It was difficult to keep out of public eyes, until this place was discovered. Not the sewers, but a tunnel, carved by the First Ones themselves, perhaps. Who knows for what purpose, but it suited our needs."
Mira's eyebrows raise. (First Ones? By the West Wind… ) the Khatta thinks.
"So where we are heading, is your colony here?" the Heyoke asks.
"Firrst ones," the cougaress purrs, with an intense gleam in her eye.
The Nobakhim nods at Aaron without surprise, "Underside. This tunnel system leads to a medium sized formation under Rephidim. It was there that we found our niche. Those of us who could not venture to the surface, took to farming meager crops on the rock. The sunlight we get, and the moisture we bring down, are not nearly enough to grow crops for sale, but it lets us survive. And while those down below grow our meals, those of us above have been working. And researching. And planning."
Kensington rolls his eyes. "First'un's… heh, heh… " Still, he holds his torch at several different angles to get a look at different aspects of the tunnel.
Aaron examines the sides of the tunnel as they continue on. It certainly looks old enough to match K'ale's story…
The new tunnel slopes down more steeply, turning slightly as well. The sides are now well-worn with time, and quite smooth. K'ale continues, "We know how to reverse the curse. At least we think we do. We must return to the desert, with several of our kind, and one other. All we lack is an airship. We have never been able to spare the numbers to staff an airship ourselves, and others of our kind arriving at Rephidim know nothing of our existence. So the time has come to bring in outside help."
"We need a crew with experience, not green landlubber mutants. Especially in this time of war, it is essential that things not turn awry now."
"And who is this 'one other' you mentioned?" Aaron asks.
"How the eeserrt rraieerrs going to rreact to they long forrgotten cousins arriving out of nowherre?" Sasta speculates, letting one hand run along the wall while the other swings her empty mug.
"An' so's yer lookin' fer whatcha need in us four?" The Korv glances at Aaron again, and lifts his beak an inch or two. "Well, three outta four ain't bad… "
Mira says firmly, "My crew is th' best there is. Ye won't find a better ship than th' Glutton."
K'ale smiles, "You will meet her soon enough. She is… rescued royalty. Our cousins will most likely not know we are coming, and with luck, many of them will not know we are there until we have already accomplished what we came for. I have no illusions about their role in this… they would be more likely to hinder than help."
K'ale pauses in the descent, and turns to Mira, "I hope you're right. Sands, I hope you're right, there is more riding on this than you can imagine." He smiles, "But every indication so far points to a good decision in you and your crew."
The brown Khatta-captain's fur fluffs with pride.
The corsair rubs the bottom of his bill thoughtfully. "Iffen yer just scrapin' by witcher rock an' crops, 'ow're ye able to get th' silver fer bookin' passage?"
Sasta bumps Kensington, "You no ask wherre the noney cones frron, especially when unnerrgrroune."
Aaron hmphs, not really expecting the pirate bird to behave any better though.
The Korv umphs, but shrugs. "Well, if ye say so… I be used t'takin' it, not makin' it… "
K'ale nods, "That is a good question. It's fairly simple, really… as long as those below are able to feed all of us, those of us above can pool all of our money towards the eventual goal. We are well-funded. There are some among our number who, while severely changed by mutation, are able to find very… lucrative work given special talents their forms provide." He turns a sharp corner, and the corridor continues down, steeper now.
Kensington appears satisfied with the answer, and says nothing more.
The talk continues long, over an hour, as the troupe continues deeper into the heart of Rephidim island. The tunnel starts growing perceptibly wider, and K'ale slows down, "We're nearing the end of our journey. You may see some… interesting sights." He steps forward, and extinguishes his torch as the tunnel grows lighter ahead, where it opens out into a large open area.
Sasta makes sure Kensington is right on her blindside as she enters the area.
The open area contains many notches in the walls, judging by the looks of them to be houses. There are not many people about, but those that are around, are indeed quite a sight. One large female looks like a Jupani, only stronger, and with the shell of a Vykarin. Another, a male, has crablike claws and the muzzle of an otter. K'ale walks confidently through this square, towards a larger door on the other side.
Aaron follows along with his jaw dropped, trying to take in all the sights.
"Sanestorrn erreans was neverr as bae as this," the cougaress mutters quietly to herself, alternating between staring and warily watching.
The light seems to be coming from some sort of gaslamps. It seems bright, but actually is probably rather dim, and merely accentuated by the long underground journey. K'ale opens the door, and stands aside, "Welcome to our city, and to our main hall. Please join me inside."
Mira does the same, though her voyages have brought her many strange sights. Either she has seen similar before, or she is simply more experienced at concealing surprise.
Kensington pokes the floor with his torch a couple times, until it gutters out as well. His stride by Sasta is as brash and confident as usual, but one wing rests on the pommel of a sword. He doesn't make eye contact with any of the mutants, his head instead quirking around in a corvidish manner.
Aaron hurries inside to see what other marvels await.
The winged coyote follows at the rear, looking around at the array of strange chimeras around them all. However, out of all of the party save their guide, he seems the most non-out-of-place one in the group.
The hall itself is rather modest, at least just inside the door. A couple of desks, a smallish rug, and a lamp are all that adorn it. The Nobakhim guides them to the far side, and opens another door. Natural sunlight spills in, causing eyes to squint.
Aaron brushes his black ear away from his face, and asks, "How do you get sunlight down here?"
A Savanite looks up from a desk, where he was apparently working on some papers. Behind him is a window, through which the sunlight spills. As the others' eyes slowly adjust, the scene can be taken in. The cheetah is working behind a small desk, in a room slightly larger than the previous one. There are several chairs, benches, and tables around the room… apparently it is a gathering room at times.
The Savanite surveys the group arriving, and looks over each in turn. Then he turns to K'ale and asks, "Is this all of them?"
Aaron flinches back as his eyes adjust and he spots the Savanite. The sight of the cheetah seems to disturb him more than the chimeras outside.
The airship captain doesn't visibly react, though she quickly scans the room.
"A talking Savanite?!" the Lapi sputters.
Lochinvar perks an ear? Did he really hear a Savanite speak?
Sasta stares at the slave. Slaves don't speak, and she knows how to fix that.
K'ale nods, "This is them, Chit. The captain is the one with the brown fur." He gestures at Mira, not answering Aaron's surprised question.
The Savanite gives Mira a more critical glance, then turns to Aaron, "Is the gentleman you came down with a Kavi?"
Mira nods politely to the Savanite.
Aaron blinks again, "You're a Nobakhim then as well?"
Chit nods, "Yes, everyone down here is. Everyone but you five, that is. Bear that in mind, and things will probably be less confusing to you." He tilts his head, "How much did he tell you?"
"No enough apparrently," the cougaress says with a rough edge to her voice.
Kensington just shakes his head and mumbles to himself.
"Bits and pieces," Lochinvar states.
Aaron keeps his black foot from thumping via willpower… but also feels an irrational urge to peek around the desk to see what the rest of Chit looks like…
Mira remains silent, though a critical eye surveys the 'Savanite'. A raised eyebrow is directed in K'ale's direction.
Sasta's twitching tailtip thumps Aaron unexpectedly in the centre of his back as she turns to check on Kensington.
Chit nods, "I will fill you in on the rest. Thank you, K'ale." The kavi-alike nods, and turns to leave. Chit stands from the desk, and bows slightly to the group, "I'm glad you could make it."
Aaron bites down a yelp and practically jumps out his pants at the inadvertant tail-thumping.
The Korv gives a curt bob of his head. He regards the strange Savanite nohbahkim whatever-it-is with suspicion, exchanging glances with Sasta once or twice.
The cheetah steps to one side of the window, "I think we should take some dinner as we talk, but first, you may want to see this, it is a sight to relish." He gestures at the open window.
Aaron is eager to look at anything other than the mock cheetah, and gazes out of the window.
Lochinvar steps forward a little to look.
Sasta is still dealing with the sight of a talking 'savanite'. The few glances she returns to Kensington show this quite clearly in her eye. There is a quiet grinding noise her teeth, as she watches Chit open the window.
Mira directs her gaze out the window as well.
Through the window, the last rays of sunset are still poking above the horizon. The few clouds are stained orange, highlighted against the dark surface of Sinai rolling slowly past below. Chit smiles, "Welcome to Underside."
The Heyoke looks mildly unimpressed. It's not like Underside isn't accessible to those with wings after all.
The brown Khatta smiles; she's seen such sights before. It's one of the side benefits of being a captain of the air. She steps aside so that others may look, but not before murmuring, "It never gets less beautiful."
The Lapi gasps at the view… "Of course… how else could you have sunlight down here when it was already evening up at the docks!"
The corsair folds his wings impassively. "Tisn't nothin' any airhand wit' more'n two days in the air 'asn't seen. Ye want us t'take ye away from this, iffen I remember rightly." He leans to one side to murmur reassuringly at Sasta. "Don't think o' it assa spotgrunt… nothin's th' way it looks down 'ere. Watch me back, I'll watch yers."
Sasta stares out at the ground passing below.
"Ya," is the cougar's brief answer.
Chit smiles, "Yes, experienced airship crew. I still never get tired of it." He steps away from the window, "Now, will you join me for dinner?"
"Would it be safe for us to?" Lochinvar asks. "I've heard that Nohbakim have slightly more stronger stomachs than the rest of us."
"We sure 'as Gretchen's tickin' didn't come this far t'just look outta window," caws the Korv agreeably.
Chit chuckles, "I didn't show surfacers our home just to show them the view, either. Come, we'll eat, and you may even find our food bland to your tastes."
Aaron says, "I've lived off treebark before, I'm sure the food will be fine. It was grown here on Rephidim, afterall."
"I no hungrry." Sasta says, "I want a errink."
The 'savanite' leads the way into a side room, with a medium-sized wooden table. He starts setting places, "We don't have much in the way of help down here. And besides, I bet it feels more natural to see me do this, eh?" He flashes a slight smile at Sasta, and then gestures, "Be seated, I will be back shortly with the meal."
Lochinvar pauses behind one of the seats, gesturing with a smile for the captain to take her place there.
Sasta doesn't return the smile, or comment. She is also standing out of the way behind Kensington and Aaron, and her tail continues to flick.
Aaron holds out a seat for Sasta as well, smiling up at the cougar.
Kensington turns a chair backward, to seat himself without crushing his tailfeathers. With a brief smile at Sasta, he pats another seat next to him, then squints at the rest of his fellows in turn. (Except Aaron, whom he ignores.) "Well… whatcha think, crew? This look ta be worth stickin' wit'?"
Mira smiles at Lochinvar, nods her thanks, and sits. "I'm still waitin' to hear what he needs," she answers the Korv. "We'll see. My ship n' crew come first."
The cheetah comes back out with several trays of greens, and one small one of meat cuts. He sets these on the table, and sits, "Help yourselves, by all means."
Aaron takes a seat for himself, and asks the host, "Speaking of food… do you know if reversing the curse will also reverse it for the plants and animals of the region?"
The Heyoke sits in the seat next to Mira, and nods to her. "You said you were a ship captain. You should understand that," he says to the corsair, grinning a little.
Sasta stays standing where she is, looking at the two offered seats, and everyone sitting down at the table. Her tail keeps flicking. Chit's return didn't make her feel any better, neither does remaining on her feet.
Chit shakes his head, "Actually, we have no idea. We hope it will, but the land may have simply run its natural course. Time will tell, and success too." He takes a helping of food, "Shall we get straight to the heart of the matter?"
The corsair dips his beak at Lochinvar and Mira. "Well as it should," he grunts, and starts to take up his plate to help himself when he notices Sasta. "Err… won't ye be breakin' yer bread wit'us, warrioress?"
Mira perks her ears forward. "You wanted a ship," she says pointedly. "I'm listenin'."
The cougar moves abruptly to the table and sits down, dragging the seat Kensington offered around so she is between him and Aaron. She hunches over her plate, and starts filling it with anything that is close.
"Very well. We need a ship to carry cargo and passengers to the desert. We need to go to a city called Galiye, and from there, proceed on foot to find the place where the curse was invoked. It can only be broken from that location. We wish to hire your crew for the journey, and a small expedition team." The cheetah takes a small bite of food, "The trip should be short, barring any difficulties. To the desert and back, and perhaps a week in between."
Mira fills her plate. "Hmm. How many passengers?"
Chit chews slowly, "Myself. Two priest/mages. Three of our guards. And a Savanite princess."
Sasta looks around for something to fill her mug with.
Lochinvar shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and busies himself with choosing items from the table.
Kensington's feathery brow furrows, making his spikey black crest stick up somewhat. He gives Sasta one more concerned, vaguely puzzled look, then begins helping himself to the food, predominantly meat. "Huh, should be simple enough. 'Ere, where's th' drink?"
Aaron pauses mid-chew, and swallows hard. "Savanite princess?"
The only available drink seems to be a pitcher of water on the table. It seems they're not too big on bringing alcohol all the way down here.
Chit nods, "She was a slave, but we brought her down here. In exchange for her freedom, she agreed to help us. We tried to buy her, but she wasn't for sale, so we had to acquire her through other, less orthodox means. It was not pleasant, but she is the key to the curse."
The cougar warrior splashes her mug full with the water, then drains it all down in one long swallow. The food on her plate has her riveted attention, and her tightly grinding teeth make short work of it once she gets it to her mouth.
"Savanite princess," echoes the Korv. "Mighty strange title fer a slave. Whatcha be needin' her for?"
Mira reaches for the pitcher. "The Glutton's passenger accommodations should be quite satisfactory, then," the captain replies. "Do you also have cargo, supplies?"
Chit chuckles, "The curse doesn't care about slave auctions and social customs. It only cares about bloodlines, and hers runs true." He addresses Mira, "Cargo will be simply supplies for the journey, as well as a few cases of tools for the ceremony. Light travel, you will have the majority of your hold for shipping goods if you wish, I have no problem with that."
Aaron says, "Why would an ancient curse need a Savanite to reverse it?"
Chit gazes at Aaron, "Because a Savanite invoked it. They have not always been the downtrodden slaves they are now."
Lochinvar chews on his food, staying out of the conversation for the moment. All this talk of curses is troubling him some, but there is money promised for this.
"Aha!!" the Lapi yells, almost jumping out of his seat, "I knew it!!" Then he settles back down and blushes.
Chit blinks at the enthusiastic bunny, "Knew what?"
Sasta starts to growl against without realizing it, and the vegetables on her plate become the victims of her murderous stabs for them.
"Uhmm," the rabbit mutters. "I always suspected Savanites of having more going on than they let show."
The cheetah shrugs, "They may, and they may not. This curse is ancient, remember. Only they know to what extent they have changed."
Amazingly, the captain's only reaction to Aaron's outburst is an ear, which swivels in that direction. "Th' Glutton does not carry any cargo save that of her current charter," Mira states. "The stowage fee will be appropriate, and there will, of course, be fare charged for each passenger. Of course, there is also the issue of food… "
"We will take care of food for ourselves, if that is easier. What is your charter fee per passenger per day?"
Mira's attention is somewhat drawn to Aaron. She harrumphs, fixing a piece of meat on her fork. "How unprofessional."
Kensington gives the Lapi a 'whatta screwball' look. He turns his gaze on Mira. "Hum. I'd be sayin' we oughtta stock up on provisions 'at don't go wrong in th' heat. Ferget squibbits, Rughrat jerky might be best fer meat. E'en if ye 'ave a drinkin' still on board, at least a week o' emergency water rations sealed in casks be a good bet fer the desert, 'long wit regular rations."
Lochinvar nods in agreement with the Korv. "Good suggestions," he notes.
"Savanites is weak, Savanites is slaves," the cougaress mutters, her words breaking with a held back growl. "They always was slaves, they no talks, not betterr than Sasta, ane they k'n't k'st spells bek'use they k'n't speak the rrituals. Fooe I k'n swallow, but the rrest of this?"
"You haven't seen them in the wild," Aaron mumbles, still looking down into his plate.
Mira nods agreement to the Korv. "Of course, you may provide your own food. The ship's cook will be wantin' to know how to prepare it, and there will be a minor food storage fee." She pauses, running some quick calculations. "Eighty shekels per day per passenger, w'out port charges or hazard pay."
"I seen then in the Abu'habi ane I seen enough!" Sasta snarls at Aaron.
Chit replies to Sasta, "Actually, they can cast spells. There are rituals that can be performed with only dancing and instruments quite effectively. But this isn't about the Savanites, and I'm sure you're more interested in what you're being paid for."
"Ya. Noney." The cougaress focuses back on her plate, quiet once more.
Chit nods, "We can do eighty per day. I assume we deal with hazard pay as the situation arises?"
The captain smoothly interjects, "I don't ask questions, but if ye want th' destination kept quiet, I can make sure we 'forget' this trip ever happened … though, of course, there will be the matter of, shall we say, making it worth our while to do so."
Aaron doesn't look back towards Sasta, and just picks at his food.
Chit shakes his head, "Not necessary. If this succeeds, keeping it secret would be laughable. And if it fails… well… if it fails, then we don't have to worry anyways, really."
Mira lifts an eyebrow. "Oh?"
Kensington misses most of the mutterings, intent on the dealing at hand. "No talk o' failing," huffs the corvid. "Ye've got th' Cutlass on board. Only th' luckiest cross me an' live!"
Chit nods, "If it fails, we won't get another shot at it anyways."
"Why not?" Lochinvar asks.
Chit smiles thinly, "Savanite princesses are not found every day, you know. It has taken us long to get this far."
Lochinvar hmms, thinking that sounds like something, possibly unsavory, is going to happen to this Savanite princess.
Chit takes another small portion of food, "Anyways, 80 per day, plus hazard, per passenger." He turns to Kensington, "That still doesn't include the land expedition."
Mira says, "Hazard fee will be assessed en route," Mira says, "and any damage to the Glutton will be charged as well if it is determined to be attributable to you.""
Her plate is empty. Sasta puts the knife and fork down on it, and starts rubbing under her eyepatch with one knuckle.
"I take it ye'll be wantin' mercenary escort, then," caws the corsair, jerking his head back to swallow a beakful of his food. "I don't be the one ye 'ave t'convince. Sasta's done more merc-work than me. I was a briga-… er… unofficially sponsored Chronotopian Luftrittern."
Chit takes a drink, "Who runs it is irrelevant to me, as long as it is done competently. We just need someone to make sure nothing goes wrong enroute to the ceremony, and during."
Aaron finally speaks up, "Do you need any special ritual supplies?"
The cheetah smiles at the Lapi, "No, we have everything we need already. However, we may need some desert supplies… are you a supplier?"
Aaron says, "I'm an apothecary. I supply medicines, food supplements, magical supplies and poisons mostly. I've also gone and collected most of them myself."
Chit nods, "Well… perhaps it might be worth a check after all, then." He finishes his helping of food, "So, are we agreed for the ship?"
Mira nods. "There will be an advance payment of fifty percent of the final expected fee due when you sign th' contracts, of course."
Sasta gives Kensington a look.
Kensington smoothes back the feathers on his head. "I be thinkin' this deal's sweet enough as it is. We can work out th' details o' yer ground escort mid-flight." The corners of his beak quirk slightly, and he winks at the cougaress. "I be sure we kin come ta some agreement. Unless ye wanta go it alone."
Chit leans forward, "Half up front? That's a little tough." He sits back and shrugs, "As we have no intentions of non-payment, though, it should be no problem."
The captain sips her water. "Good enough."
Chit nods, "That would be well… I'm sure you and the good lady's crew are quite competent enough to perform the task."
Sasta starts to laugh quietly and sloshes herself another full mug of water. "You neee strrongerr wine." She giggles and guzzles it, some spilling out of her muzzle in the haste and soaking her shirt ruffs.
Chit stands, smiling, "Well, it has been good doing… " He frowns, "Is your friend okay?"
Aaron brushes back his ear and looks at Sasta, "Is anything wrong Sasta?"
The Korv grins oddly. "No. That be why I like'er. Now, iffen we're done, we better make off an' prepare fer th' voyage."
"Oohyas, I fine. We gots a k'ptain who going ness up the eeal beforre it even starrtee, a junpy rrabbit, a slave that has naee all the plans forr us, ane a eeal we no k'n lose." Sasta snorts, "We're going into a poison eeserrt, six of us, to prrotect a prrincess, ane sone nages ane prriests, against everry trribe of rraieerrs frron herre to Lanu. What coule possibly be wrrong?"
With a nod, the cheetah starts back for his desk. He picks up some papers, leafing through them, "We need to leave… in two weeks, three days. Earlier would be preferable, if you are outfitted."
"Aye! Ain't it great?" caws Kensington, his grin now fierce. "Hah, odds matched by only the best, an' there ain't no better'n the Cutlass!"
Chit gazes at Sasta, "If there is a problem, I'm sure you could stay back for this one… "
"It's early yet, Sasta," Lochinvar says. "A lot could still go wrong. Especially if mages are involved."
Chit nods, apparently not caught off guard at all by the mage comment, "Quite true. But, now you know where we are. You can find K'ale most evenings in the Lanyard, if you need to contact us."
Aaron nods to the not-Cheetah.
Sasta keeps chuckling quietly and shaking her head, "why? therre going to be anotherr insane quest next week? You neee strrongerr wine. Is I awake, is I rreally herre? I walks long enough… the best parrt is you all so serious. It too nuch." She laughs again, then stops.
The cheetah frowns more, "I'm not sure if I think she's stable enough for this… is she always that way?"
"Done." The corsair stands up, and adjusts the blades on his hips. "Eh, she'll be right as rain, Chit. C'mon, Giggles… ye look like ye do be needin' a stronger drink. The Three Thieves, on me, eh?"
Aaron looks worriedly at Sasta. "I've been on much less thoroughly prepared expeditions, Sasta… "
The frown fades a bit, but doesn't vanish, "This is a serious matter, and I don't like it being taken so lightly. I'll have to decide when we weigh anchor if she can be trusted… "
Kensington grimaces, and shoots his first truely sharp look of the evening squarely at Chit. "Lissen 'ere, nohbakim. Iffen ye want th' best, ye'll stop fussin' with what we're paid t'know. Got it?"
"No. I'n not thirrsty." The cougaress says to the Korv with no trace of humour in her voice, "I going to go ane collect sone bounties. In Earrksiee. Alone. Then I will have sonething crrazy to conparre with this plan ane nake ny eecision."
Chit shoots an equally sharp glare back, "And if you want to get paid, you won't forget who controls the silver! I will not have things jeopardized with brash words and overconfident gestures, is that clear? I'm willing to pay for the best, but for that, I expect the best, not macho games."
Aaron's ears droop a bit at Sasta's outburst.
"Huh! Fine, mutant!" rasps the Korv harshly, wheeling on his talons. "See iffen ye can find someone as competant yet crazy 'nuff t'do yer job fer ye! I'll see ye crawling back t'us two weeks hence." He storms from the dining room, his footsteps echoing away from the dining chamber.
Chit sighs, as the Korv storms out, "I see K'ale didn't choose as wisely as I had hoped." He turns to Mira, "Are you still interested in the charter, or do your feelings go with your friend's?"
Aaron says, "A bit flighty, isn't he?"
Sasta winks, stunned. She turns turns around to watch Kensington's sudden departure. "Korvs. Give hin a ninute."
Mira surveys the exit, listening as the sound of footsteps fades. "I have my honor. Th' Glutton will carry out her mission, as promised."
Chit nods, "I can see you have honor. How do the rest of you stand?"
"Depending on how the ritual goes, you may or may not need me," Aaron says. "But I'll be able to keep people from killing themselves by eating the wrong thing."
"Even though it's against my better judgment, I'm still in," says the Heyoke.
"You neee the Korv if you going to pull this off. Hin ane Lochinvar, you is going neee airr watch if you expect any chance of surrviving." Sasta states, staring out the door.
Chit turns to look at the window, then back to Sasta, "He seems competent, I'll grant you that. But things have come too far to risk on someone so controlled by their emotions. Do you think he could be trusted?"
"He a Korrv, they is all like that." The cougaress pointedly doesn't look back at Chit, somehow this makes things easier for her. "But you want know the shorrtest way soneplace, it is as the Korrv flies. If he agrree to go, he will."
Chit sighs, and sits at his desk, rubbing his temples. "I need someone strong for the ground team, but I need to be sure. If he can come back himself, he can have another shot at it… "
"But I won't come back to him, and that's final."
Sasta nods to the mock-savanite's words.
"How nany of you own warrrriorrs your brringing?" She asks after a moment.
"Three," Chit answers, "And a very sturdy three at that. I'm sure you could meet them if you like… "
The change in her posture is the best indicator of her interest in that, "Ya, I woule." Sasta spins around, looking momentarily at Chit, which makes her frown, before she looks on to something else.
Chit nods, "I'm sure they would enjoy meeting you, as well. I think you will find them adequate."
The cougaress continues her motion to look at Mira, "Ane how nany grroune fighterrs you got in yourr crrew?"
Mira says, "Four… possibly six, if you consider Rath'ani excellent fighters."
Mira doesn't seem to think that this is the case, however.
Chit smiles, "I don't expect to need fighters at all, they are more of a precaution. Anyways, shall we go meet the guard?"
Sasta stands, pushing her chair in. "Ya. I want to get rriee of sone frrustrration." She waits for Chit to make some indication of where to go.
Aaron frowns slightly, but gets up as well. He doesn't want Sasta to get herself into trouble…
Chit pushes in his chair, and walks towards the door, talking politely, "They are really quite well trained, at least in the best manner we can manage down here… " The door shuts behind the group, cutting off the dialog, as they go off to meet the Nobakhim warriors.