Jul. 9. Bassai encounters a rival at the Three Thieves' Inn.
(Bassai) (Eye of Madness) (Rephidim)
Three Thieves
The sign outside the door shows a mug and a turkey leg, and reads, "The Three Thieves Inn". It's nestled in with several other buildings in a slightly seedier part of Rephidim, though not quite in Darkside … about two blocks away, if you to guess at an exact boundary. Inside, the main room is warmly lit by a roaring fireplace, and high on the walls hang mounted heads – a macabre touch that gives the place its name … and a slightly sinister ambiance. Behind a wooden counter, perpetually polishing glasses that rarely need it, is a grumpy-looking hippogryph Vartan. Near the bar can be seen stairs leading up to the rooms. It's a nicely-kept establishment – not fancy, not grimy – just somewhere in between respectable and not.

Tekki, already finished with his meal, stays close at hand should his master need any assistance, and glances about the room, making mental notes of any suspicious characters to keep an eye on.

The main room has a few customers besides the snake and his slave – a few Nagas, a few Skreeks, that short fox bard who lurks by the fireplace, and some Khattas who sit in a corner and talk in hushed tones amongst themselves.

The hippogryph bartender, Jakka, stands in her usual position, doing her usual routine of polishing a glass with a rag … over and over and over again.

Bassai is finishing swallowing his meal, always a lengthy task, and washing it down with some green tea. His mind is occupied with thoughts of preparation for his upcoming expedition. Idly, he lets his gaze rest on the other Nagas, as he takes another sip of tea.

The other Nagas are mere rabble, not exactly upstanding citizens exemplifying the glory of the Empire. They don't seem terribly interested in Bassai, though a few give some menacing glares at some nearby Skreeks and bob their heads amusedly at each other when this prompts some nervous reactions from the rats.

A hooded and cowled figure slithers into the main room, through the front door. Of course, no cloak or hood hides the fact that it's a Naga, and one with deep blue scales – whether by nature or by conceit.

Bassai hisses quietly, finishing his tea, and watching the new Naga. He taps his finger once on the table, to help focus Tekki's attention.

As the snake approaches the bar, she pulls back her hood, to reveal a face marked with scales of deep blue along with other colors that form an exotic pattern. This would cement the case for conceit, except that this snake sports an additional feature that marks her as one born on the surface and an example of some of the stranger mutations present there: She has a mohawk of a white bristly mane. To anyone in archaeological circles, she would be Nena – very skilled in her field, and very jealous of any competitors.

Nena gets the Vartan bartender's attention, and orders an expensive drink and a Bromthen piglet, not yet having looked in Bassai's direction.

Bassai continues to hiss quietly to himself, feeling his dinner turn sour inside. This is not a good development. He puts down his cup, his eyes widening in Nena's direction.

Nena turns around, away from the bar, to watch the fox. Her head sways slightly back and forth with the music. Jakka, meanwhile, disappears into the kitchen to prepare the meal, after pouring a drink for the blue-scaled customer.

"I suppose I should pay my professional respects." The ringneck Naga hisses, perhaps at his slave. He then rises from his table and slithers towards the blue Naga.

Bassai signs, "Check no one is in our room, then return immediately. Be wary of being followed" to his slave as he leaves his original spot.

Nena only shows any notice of Bassai once he is more than obvious – and that is by watching his slave depart before she gives the owner so much as a glance. Her eyes go wide in slightly-too-exaggerated surprise. "Oh! Hello there. Do I know you from sssomewhere?"

Tekki slips up the stairs, casting a concerned look before disappearing.

Nena doesn't wait for Bassai's reply, and instead takes this moment to sip at her drink. She sets it back down again on the bar, and turns back to look at Bassai.

Bassai flicks out his tongue then replies, "Yess, though as one familiar with your work, I realize you may require some assistance with such details as names." He flicks out his tongue again, "Mine is Bassai."

"Such exemplary work must require the utmost concentration from you." The male Naga hisses, "It is no wonder some things slip past you."

Nena's eyelids narrow. "Oh. Bassai. Hmm. Ssso nice to sssee you. I am Nena."

Bassai nods to Nena, "Your reputation precedes you, and, as always, it is nice to ssee you."

"Oh… " says Nena, looking up as if she has suddenly thought of something. "Bassai. Yesss. I have heard that name recently. Ssso unfortunate. I lament your recent sssetback."

The ringneck Naga focuses on the blue scaled one with a gaze reserved for a meal. "I appreciate your condolancess". He adjusts his coils and calculates how long it would take for his Savanite to check the room and return.

Bassai's calculations are perfect, and Tekki's return is predictable. The cheetah peeks just down from the stairs, just enough to see his master, and just enough for Bassai to notice.

Nena nods. "Sssuch a pity. But, of courssse, it illussstratesss the hazardsss of our work. There are many enemiesss who ssseek to ssstop progressss in our field."

Bassai gestures at his slave in a flippant, waving off manner, then lowers his hand so it is blocked from Nena by his body and signs, Lock room, guard inside, noise if trouble. He finishes the motion by adjusting his clothing, focusing once more on the other Naga.

Tekki vanishes again.

"The enemies of the empire are more numerous than scalemites." The ringneck Nagahisses. "I will overcome my setbacks. Tell me, how did you come to hear of them."

Nena shrugs. "How could I not hear of the injuriesss againssst a great practitioner of magic, a true pride of our Empire? It isss a pity that he isss likely to die, and can have no visssitorsss. A curssse upon the asssasssin who attacked him in hisss weaknessss!"

Bassai hisses slowly, "I had heard the rumourss, I did not attach any weight to them. The asssassin should have his eyes peeled and left standing in the noonday sun. Where has this Naga been taken? I would wish that a pride of the Empire receive the treatment he is due."

Nena flicks her tongue, then hisses, "He isss being taken by ssship back to Nagai, hisss beloved home, and capitol of our great Empire. Let usss hope that he may sssee hisss home again before he expiresss."

There is a clatter and a thump faintly audible through the ceiling.

"Ah well. Sssuch talk weariesss me. In fact, I think I have lossst my appetite." She puts some coins on the counter. "Here. You may have the piglet when the Vartan bringsss it out. I have much to do, ssso much to do."

Bassai nods slowly, listening to her words, then freezes as he hears the clatter. "Excusse me, my incompetant slave has not returned with the object I requested. "

Nena nods. "Perhapsss we will meet again." With that, she turns and slithers toward the door.

Bassai turns, and slithers up the stairs, his caution and desire for speed competing.

Upstairs, Bassai finds the door to his room left wide open.

The Naga scans the upper passageway quickly, then rushes to his door. Stopping at the threshold wary of an attack. He glances quickly around the room.

There is no sign of anyone moving, but it appears there has been a visitor – A small table has been knocked over, things have been thrown about … and a cheetah lies on the floor.

Bassai slams the door wide open against the wall, and rushes over to the Savanite, his eyes taking in the details of the room, looking for lurkers. He crouches by his slave, lifting him gently and trying to see the extent of his wounds.

The room is small enough and devoid of too many large hiding places that it is unlikely anyone large enough to overpower Tekki could still be lurking within. The cheetah is unconscious, but still alive, a bit of a wound on his head attesting to an attack with a blunt instrument.

"Are you awake Tekki?" The regal ringneck Naga asks, "Can you hear me?" He checks the wound on the back of the cheetah's head. "Oh… it iss unlikely you would be awake after that blow." Bassai lifts Tekki over to his own bed, and rests him in it. Slapping the door shut with his tail, he surveys the room once more, this time looking at the hiding spaces he uses.

Whomever trashed the room did not have enough time or knowledge, it seems, to grab any of the hidden objects. In fact, nothing has been taken at all that the snake can notice.

Bassai slithers over to the windows, checking and securing them all, cautious in his approach to them. He hisses to himself, "She is a dissgrace. Unprofesssional! Seeking her own perrsonal glory instead of the Empires!" He roughly rights the table, "I will not tolerate this abuse of my possessionss." He stands in the centre of the room, hissing quietly, watching the shadows and his slave.

There's a light rap at the door.

"Had I the meanss, and were I her, I would stoop so low as to scry on my rival'ss perrsonal room." The ringneck Naga hisses, then stops. He slithers towards the door, picking up Tekki's book on minerals as he does, then wrenching open the portal.

Bassai glares, "Yess?" Ready to strike.

A garter stumbles into the room as the door is opened. He lets out a hiss and falls against Bassai. "Aaaak!"

The larger Naga resists the urge to strike with the book, and instead hisses, "What iss your business, my possesssions have been rudely dissturbed and my mood iss not pleasant."

The garter tries to regain his composure, patting himself on the vest. He looks about the room, and his gaze alights on the felled Savanite. "Sssso I sssee." He shudders, then returns his attention to Bassai. "I have come to sssee how your invessstigationsss have progressssed, and how far your ssshekel hasss gone."

Bassai scans the hallway with a foul glare, then says, "Yess, yess. Come in. I have kept an accounting." He closes the door with a firm push that echos his frustration, and gestures for the garter to approach the table.

The garter pauses to flick his tongue in the direction of the fallen slave. "Isss he dead?"

Bassai turns to look once more at the Savanite, "He was breathing, he should recover. His wound did not appear life threatening" The Naga carefully checks Tekki, opening his eyes, and trying to gauge the severity of his condition.

Tekki is still alive. Still bleeding, and making a stain on the sheets, but he doesn't seem particularly dead at the moment or anything like that.

The garter mouths an "Oh" and then says, "Ssso … You have faired well, or not?"

Bassai turns back to the garter, "Yes, I have. I have also let my anger overcome my reasson. You will wait here and guard what I have acquired for the Empire. I do not trusst my ability to judge my slave's woundss, and he is too valuable to die." The archaeologist slithers towards the door, opening it once more.

The garter blinks, then bobs his head in response. "Asss you wisssh. I will remain here asss long asss isss necessssary."

Bassai slithers outside and downstairs. He glances over the room occupants. He approaches Jakka. Bassai stretches towards her. His eyes fix on hers. "Thieves were in my room. They assaulted my possessions. If you value the reputation of your esstablishment, you will go up there and ensure they do not return."

Jakka blinks, then squawks loudly, reaching under the counter and pulling out a crossbow. "They still here? I make this FOUR Thieves' Inn if so!"

Bassai says, "The garter is guarding, but I do not trusst his ability as much as yours."

The ringneck archaeologist turns and announces to the room. "I require the servicess of a healer. One skilled with slaves. I will pay for someone to fetch me one."

Jakka squawks at someone in the kitchen, then goes rushing up the stairs, crossbow in hand. A little Vartan comes out from the kitchen and perches on the stool, peering at all those in the room with a "Just you TRY me!" gaze.

The fox bard leaps up. "I'll find one!" he yelps, and, his lute in hand, dashes for the door.

Bassai hisses to those remaining, and the little Vartan, "Send them to my room when they arrive, I am in number 5." Then he turns and slithers up the stairs, and back to his room.

Back in the room, the Naga finds the Vartan going about, scrawking angrily, poking her head out the window in a vain attempt to see where the criminals may have gotten off to. The garter is still there, by the side of the bed, where Tekki still lies.

A flash of red in the street, visible through the window, attests to the departure of the garishly-dressed fox.

Bassai slides up to Tekki and the garter, asking, "Has he gotten worse?" He looks at the Vartan, "You may wish to check your other patrons rooms as well."

The garter flicks his tongue over Tekki then says, "He's not dead yet."

The Vartan looks at Tekki and the stain he's making on the bed with his bleeding, then grumbles and stomps off. "Yes. Check rooms. Want head of thief!"

{Oh Tekki, I thought your head was harder than that} The archaeologist thinks, his dinner turning very sour in his stomach. "A healer should be here soon, is he getting worse?"

The garter looks at the spreading stain. He looks to Bassai, hissing, "He isss ssstill bleeding. I do not know how to make it ssstop."

Later … painfully later … some footsteps can be heard rushing up the steps, and a panting fox pokes his head into the door. "He's (gasp) almost here! (gasp)"

Bassai nods, not looking up from Tekki, not knowing what to do, and not enjoying the feeling.

Some more panting and gasping can be heard, and a raccoon in the robes of a Temple Initiate appears. "Hello? Someone is wounded? Oh! A … a Savanite? You brought me here for a slave?"

{I should have rushed him off the second I saw he was wounded. That is not proper behaviour though, he is just a slave. Why does his condition bother me so?} The Naga thinks to himself as he looks at the wounded Savanite.

Bassai glares at the Initiate, "Yes. He is MY slave, and I require him alive. You will heal him."

Bassai says, "Or you will be requiring a healer yourself. I do not make trivial requests."

The Initiate looks offended, but can't match the gaze of the snake. "Very well … I suppose I need the prac – " He stops at Bassai's threat. "Oh, you don't say?"

The fox shrinks back.

Bassai nods, "Yes you will, after Latania the healer hears about how you let one of your patients expire because you wished to argue with the client."

The raccoon points at Bassai. "I am not some spell-casting pretender, having to rely on MAGIC to bring healing, and I certainly don't ANSWER to one. I am a Priest of Rephidim Temple, and I expect to be accorded due respect!" He says it with the bearing of one who probably has only barely earned his station, and recently at that.

Bassai hisses slowly, letting his anger go and saying, "My slave, Tekki, is hurt. I apologize, I am beset at all sides and I am taking it out on you. Please heal him, and we can discuss this afterwards."

The raccoon adjust his robes, fidgeting, then nods. "Apology accepted," he says, apparently accepting that as restoration of his dignity for the time being. He looks to the slave and says to no one in particular, "Can someone fetch me some clean, hot water, some cloths for bandages, and some clean rags?"

Jakka, looking in the room, scrawks in reply, and heads back downstairs.

Bassai watches, concerned, flicking out his tongue. His hands restless as he observes.

The raccoon looks over the slave, examining the wound, and gasping in a way that isn't terribly reassuring. However, a basin of hot water comes quickly by way of the Vartan, and she has some rags and towels draped over her arm. The raccoon administers care to the wound, sprinkling some herbs into the hot water, among other things.

"Is he seriously hurt, has his faculties been damaged?" Bassai asks eventually.

The raccoon stammers, "I – I … don't know. We won't really know until he awakens. But he will awaken, I am sure. He will need rest, though. I hope you do not plan to travel with him very soon, or to put him to work."

Somehow, the raccoon has stopped the bleeding … and is now stitching the wound closed with some black thread and a needle. The fox faints at the sight, landing on the floor with a thud.

Bassai says, "I… I had. My plans will have to change, obviously." He watches the operation, feeling intensely ill, though more from guilt than squeamishness. "I thought he was just lightly wounded, but… he didn't stop bleeding… "

The garter looks away from Tekki, and to Bassai. "While we wait, perhaps a distraction would be welcome. Have you the receipts, and any account of your investigations? From what I have heard, you have been very busy. I am curious to see the fruits of your labor."

Jakka, meanwhile, irritatedly drags the unconscious fox out of the room, and down the stairs … *thump* *thump* *thump*…

The archaeologist Naga looks around distracted, "Yes… yess. Where were they." He searches around the room before finding them, "My expenses were minimal, and for the most part, recoverable. There were three carriage rides, I have no receipts for those. The largest expense, was a purchase of art made at the site."

The garter looks over the archaeologist's records, and nods approvingly. "Your meticulousss bookkeeping isss not sssurprisssing. You do not disssappoint."

Bassai nods, "Thank you, I try to keep careful records of all my discoveries, or expenses. That is why I need my… " He pauses, looking over at the raccoon and Savanite, "Tekki to assist me. In any event, I regained part of the art purchase, by selling off one of the paintingss I did not require."

The raccoon finishes his work, and applies some salves and bandages. "There. I hope that will suffice. Now, I really must be going. If there are any complications … Well, I must state that since this is a duty done out of the beneficience of the Temple, it cannot be held accountable for any complications. Of course, you are strongly encouraged to show your gratitude toward the benevolence of the Temple by donating generously during your next visit… "

Bassai nods to the healer, "Yess, you will find me generous. Thank you for assisting me with Tekki. I am sure you have done your best, and there will be no complications."

The raccoon bows his head, puts away his personal supplies, and leaves the room.

The garter hisses, once the raccoon has left, "Ssso, what have you found?"

The archaeologist looks at the Savanite for a while, then resumes speaking, "The remaining artwork allowed me to construct a layout of the site. As well, I managed to obtain an interview with the person who now possesss a slave formerly belonging to Titus haut Mikide."

Bassai has spread the bills out on the table, but not brought out any of the actual finds. His concern for Tekki, worry about being secretly or magically observed, and a dread of finding that his information might have been successfully stolen, keep him from bringing out the proof.

The garter looks to Bassai, and hisses, "Have you anything to ssshow me, then?"

Bassai hisses, "Yes, do you have any way of preventing scrying? The security of my room has been compromised once already."

The garter hmms, then nods his head. "Quite ssso. Very well then – Have you a sssite?"

The ringneck nods, flicking out his tongue, "I have a site, and all I require, except funds, temple approval, and an equipped team with a means to get there."

The garter looks at the list again. "Very well, then. I sssee you have been a good sssteward." He reaches into his vest and pulls out a rolled and flattened parchment, with a seal intact on it. "Come to thisss place, prepared to make a presssentation of your findsss. Ssshould you be convincing, then thossse other concernsss will be concernsss no more."

Bassai nods, "How much time do I have to prepare? I have enough evidence, but it needs to be organized and clarified. That may take some time."

The garter looks to Bassai, then hisses, "How much time do you require?"

The ringneck hisses, "That depends on how long Tekki takes to recover, his assistance would shorten the period, obviously. It would take at least a day or two, for me to prepare something fully convincing. To gather just the material, and bring it all, would be an hour or two."

The garter shrugs. "Have a few daysss, then."

Bassai nods, "I sshall. It would be unprofessional of me to present the disarray of information I currently posses."

The garter nods. "I will leave you to your preparationsss, then." He looks to the slave. "And I hope your ssslave will be ready to asssissst you."

The ringneck nods, "So do I, so do I… " He shows the garter to the door, and closes it behind him, then goes over to the Savanite. He sits down on his coils and observes the prone cheetah.

Bassai flicks out his tongue, then hisses a quietly, "Why do I feel this way, why is your condition so distracting me from my work. You're just a slave, I shouldn't be so concerned about you. You are just supposed to follow my commands. Get better Tekki, your master orders it. Do you hear me Tekki? I am ordering you to get well… Don't disobey me… not this time, Tekki. Please." Then the Naga falls silent, and spends another night awake, away from his work and beside the cheetah.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)