The hippogryph is sucked through the surface of the rippling crystal surface. Instead of seeing desert on the other side, his vision stretches out and distorts, and it feels as if his very being is being pulled like taffy! The world spins and whirls about him, and for a time it seems as if he can see stars racing by … or perhaps lights in the Procession. He can barely tell that he is still holding onto Wynona. A buzzing sensation in his head matches the cadence of the chants he heard her making, though he can't actually HEAR them with his own ears.
Zoltan braces himself, briefly reminded of the swirling winds of the storm.
Up ahead, if it can be called that, red and light blue dominates the colors … and then it twists and contorts … to resemble the scene Zoltan saw through the window, though slightly different … and … at last … he's … back … whole again!
The hippogryph is standing on a stone floor in the middle of a crystal chamber … but not the same one as in the interior of the tower. Around him are several crystal windows, showing a panorama of a red desert. Wynona is still holding onto his hand. There's an audible *POP!* "Ow!" squeaks Wynona.
"You spell broke?" the Vartan scrawks. "I no feel it anymore… "
Wynona gasps, clutching at her throat, then relaxes. "Oh! Oh. Good. Air. Air is good. I love air! Ahem. Yes. I feel … empty." She shudders. "I don't like it."
It's also a bit chilly here, too, though not intolerable.
"You wants to try to go back?" the Vartan scrawks. "We may needs someone to pull us through, or tell ship to wait."
Wynona nods. "Good idea! I'll " She spins around, and heads right into the portal again. She smacks her nose against the dull crystal. "Ow!"
The crystals around the portal a match to the one Zoltan just went through are glowing faintly … and growing darker by the second.
On the other side, a dim vision can be seen of a nervous Korv pacing around the tower's interior.
Zoltan reaches out and taps at the glass as well.
It's quite solid … and the image is fading, slowly being replaced by the sort of stone that filled all the "closed" windows.
Wynona squeaks. "Oh! KENSINGTON!" She bangs on the window with her fists. "It's US! KENSINGTON!"
Zoltan thinks as quickly as he can. The image showed a land outside… which means that Kensington probably sees the OTHER side of the window. He frantically looks for a way out of the room and outside.
There are several crystal windows, including the one that shows the same scene Zoltan saw before. There are no obvious hinges.
Wynona is still banging on the crystal window, to no avail.
The Vartan rushes to the window to the right of the one they entered through and slams his hooved foot into it as hard as he can muster.
The crystal cracks … and then the cracked pieces smoothly slide apart and retract into a stone frame. Zoltan is hit by a blast of cold air which soon settles, as the silence of the room is filled with the howl of a wind … which quickly settles down to a mere breeze. "Ow!" says Wynona. "My ears just popped!"
It would look as if an exit has been made.
Zoltan rushes out through the new opening and to the other side of the 'window'.
Through the window, Wynona can be seen, banging on the fading crystal inside.
Wynona squeaks, "He looks like he's writing a message! Ah! I can't read it from here. Oh!" She digs through her pack, and pulls out some chalks and parchment, then looks around. "Zoltan? Oh!"
"He sees us!" Wynona squeaks and she hops up and down.
The Vartan glances at the scene behind him, hoping that it matches to the one he saw while he was looking out on the other side. He waves frantically and presses his palms against the window. "Write note that tell him to reach through and try to grab you!"
Wynona says, "It looks like he's trying to talk, but I can't hear him!" She starts writing a note.
Wynona rushes over to the Vartan, clutching the note.
Wynona's ears blush, as she hands the note to Zoltan. "Oops! Sorry!" She rushes back to her original position, and presses against the darkening window.
Zoltan presses the paper against the glass and then points to his hand whish he presses against the glass alongside the note. "Wynona… put you hand where mine is so he know where to grab."
Wynona says, "Ah … okay!"
Wynona squeaks, "He's doing it! He's … nothing's happening!"
"Wait. At very least, you mights be able to jump through when he come." Zoltan tries to keep his tone calm.
Wynona squeaks, "Aaaa! He VANISHED!"
The Vartan's ears go down. "He coming through! Try and push you way in!"
Zoltan jumps back inside the building.
Wynona grunts and squeaks, trying to push against the crystalline window. "Aaaaa! It's not WORKING!"
The Vartan looks back at the glass and sighs. He searches for any trace of the Korv on the other side.
Wynona squeaks, "Oh! I think I se " *WHOMP*