26 Feb 1998. Francisco can pay taxes now! Oh joy!
(Bambridge) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Envoy) (Francisco) (Rephidim) (Skrill)

(OOC) Thu Feb 26 1998 04:10 PM by "Malachi" at "Holodeck -->

Francisco's Guy Fox Booth
This fairly well-constructed booth in the Bazaar sports a big, colorful banner that features a friendly-looking vulpine exhorting the viewer to buy, buy, buy! And the thing to buy would be one of the many gray-furred, five-tailed, garishly-dressed Kitsune dolls (available in exploding and non-exploding models) for low LOW prices!

Sales are going slow. Real slow. Things just haven't been the same since so many other booths caught up on the "cute dolls" motif. Some have taken to selling Zerda dolls. Or Nohbakim dolls. Or just cute dolls of entirely unrelated species. After all, fads come and go. And whatever fad Francisco's marketability was based on seems to be waning. He's no longer "the Fox who rescued the zolk-dealer's daughter" or "Guy Fox" so much as "that Kitsune who sells dolls". Why, 'kitsune' is almost a household word now! At least he's accomplished something…

The foppish Fox at the booth, next to Francisco, sighs loudly. Again. He shifts arms, leaning his other elbow on the counter, and propping his chin on it. And then he sighs again. "*sighhhhhhh*" He's been doing this for about an hour now.

Envoy wanders between the booths, looking over the various dolls that weren't there yesterday. By the time she reaches Francisco's booth, she remarks, "Shouldn't you be hawking things?"

The foppish Fox looks up. "Acky the Adorable Aquilan's booth is just down that way." He points to a booth selling fluffy bird dolls.

Francisco, about just as bored as his foppish assistant, sighs. "I tried a little bit of that earlier this morning," he replies. "Though I think it drove people away more than bringing them here."

The foppish Fox hmms. "Maybe I could try coming up with a catchy jingle?"

Envoy says, "Perhaps you should try a different method then. You are an Exile afterall, why not tell them stories about Kitsunes that will inspire their imaginations?"

The kitsune glances at the fox. "Don't tempt me. I just might take you up on that."

"Splendid idea!" the foppish Fox says, his ears and general demeanor perking up. "Let's do that!" he says, patting Francisco on the shoulder.

A pair of long ears are seen in the crowd. With only minor difficulty Skrill manages to spot the booth he is watching for. Strolling idly he walks over to it, seemingly to browse the merchandise.

"Tempttempttempttemptempt!" chants the foppish Fox.

A brown bat dressed in black – complete with a wide-brimmed hat – and with cobalt blue trim flutters down from above, landing in an open spot unofficially reserved for fliers to touch down, then strolls into pedestrian traffic, her raven-black hair stirring in the light breeze as she walks, scanning the crowd and the booths.

Francisco debates both the ideas given to him. He sighs. "Envoy, I'm not sure if stories of Kitsunes would really inspire people."

Envoy turns around and waves as she spots Vielanika!

Vielanika blinks, looking a bit surprised upon seeing Envoy, then breaks into a smile and waves back.

Envoy says, "That depends on how you tell them, Francisco. I learned that at the opera."

"Opera? A patron of the arts, eh?" Francisco says to Envoy.

Skrill reaches the booth where Envoy and Francisco is chatting. He eyes some of the dolls, and takes up his money pouch, and seems to be counting.

"Patron?" the Aeolun blinks. "No, I'm a performer."

The foppish Fox says, "Opera? Why yes … Envoy Lothrhyn here played the leading lady … Chi Maria! She has two very lovely voices, too."

Francisco blinks. "Two?" he asks.

Vielanika glances at Skrill, then sidles up to the Francisco booth. "Why, hello, Envoy! I wasn't expecting to see you here today. What a pleasant surprise! How is your work going with the opera?"

Envoy smiles to the bat bard, and says, "I'm still learning things. They keep telling me to emote more, but I don't know how to express an emotion that I'm not sure I've actually experienced before."

Vielanika giggles lightly. "Well, to be a good storyteller – and a bard in general – that's a useful skill to learn."

Francisco listens to the conversation between Envoy and the bat, a little confused at Envoy's words.

"Could you help me then?" Envoy asks. "If I could see how you express each emotion, I could try to copy you."

Skrill turns to the foppish Fox and asks, "May I look at that doll over there?" pointing to one of the merchandise that hangs on the other side of the booth. As he does so, Skrill quickly makes a motion behind Vielanika's back.

"Hmmm," ponders Vielanika, as her wings shift a bit in response to the breeze. "Well … you know, many emotions can be suggested in music. Happiness. Joy. Quiet contemplation. Sadness. Anger. And the musician doesn't necessarily experience all of those emotions while playing the song. Not entirely, anyway."

The kitsune's ears prick up at the sound of possible business behind him, and turns to look. "Oh. Haiya there, uh… " Francisco says to Skrill, recognizing him, but unfortunately forgetting his name.

Envoy blinks three times. "Yes, I have wondered about the power of music over emotional states."

Skrill nods to Francisco and says "Hello, I thought you seemed familiar. Francisco, right?" and points a finger to the kitsune. As he puts away a piece of parchment into his clothing.

"Well," ponders Vielanika, "consider some of the titles of songs you know, and how the songs sound in relation. Such as 'Flight of the Summer Creens'. It's a very light, rapidly-moving melody – and I'd say pretty cheery and whimsical, too." She puts her flute to her lips and begins playing a trilling song that mimics in some parts the calls of Creens, but with progression of notes that hints at the playful flight of Creens.

Francisco smiles and nods. "That's right, yes. Uh, did you see our product line here?"

Eyeing the dolls, Skrill says, "Yes, I had no idea you were a merchant, is it very profitable?" leaning to the counter.

The foppish Fox leaps up onto the counter, adopting a dramatic pose. "Yes! Only here can you acquire… " He tickles the strings on his ever-present (and nigh-indestructible) lute, making a jangling noise. "… the OFFICIAL Francisco doll!"

Envoy listens closely. It does remind her of Creens playing…

The foppish Fox breaks out into enthusiastic song, drowning out Vielanika's flute-playing. She puts her flute down, giving the Fox an annoyed (subdued but annoyed) glance.

Sighing, Francisco waves a hand dismissively. "Well, it used to be," he says, "Until all those other stalls showed up."

The foppish Fox sings, "Be the first one on your blox – to get the guy with sox – the Kitsune who takes his nox – the only five-tailed Fox! FRANCISCO!"

And then he drops down on one knee – knocking a few Guy Fox dolls into the booth in the process – adopting a "hey!" pose with arms outspread.

Envoy takes a few steps back from the singing fox, just in case lightning is about to strike.

A clopping noise approaches the booth, and a little farther down the street, a drokkar approaches, bearing a green, tiger-striped Shiga merchant, and a lot of empty saddlebags. Despite the music, the richly-dressed reptile halts his steed by the stall.

With a fixed grin, Skrill tries not to let his opinions on that poetry shine through, but drums his fingers on the counter and tries to change the subject. "By the way, you have not introduced me to those ladies." He makes a slight bow to Envoy and Vielanika.

Francisco leans down and picks up the knocked-over merchandise, and frowns at the fox. "Would you mind being a bit more careful?" he says, inspecting them. "Any mud on these, and I'll charge you for them."

The foppish Fox slings his lute back around behind his back. "Well, allow me to do the honor! These are two very lovely and talented musicians from the Bards' Guild: Vielanika and Envoy."

Vielanika 'curtseys' politely to Skrill.

The kitsune goes stiff for a moment, as the fox's lute comes very near some more dolls. "Careful!" he re-iterates.

Envoy smiles and nods to Skrill, and wonders if the fop will introduce himself as well this time.

The Fox spins around. "What?" His tail knocks into several Guy Fox dolls. *tumble*

The hefty merchant dismounts, and waddles up the counter, glancing over a few of the dolls. He picks the demo-doll up, and tries to make eye contact with Francisco. "Excuse me… "

With a deeper bow Skrill introduces himself. "My name is Skrill Mantibo, a simple Eeee, at your service." A slight stiffness can be seen in the bow though.

Francisco picks up the rest of the dolls, and shoos the fox out from the stall, out of harm's way.

The foppish Fox YELPS and leaps off the counter, out of the booth, coming just THAT close to bowling over Vielanika – though she deftly steps out of the way. He whines, "I was only trying to HELP!"

Envoy blinks, then leans over to talk to the small fox, "You could try singing at the other booths. That might help."

Wrinkling his nose at the fop, the Shiga clears his throat, and hisses a little more strongly, "Excuse me. Stallkeeper?"

The kitsune glares at him. "Well, help where you can't knock over stuff. Okay?" Francisco says. "Oh, yes. Like Envoy says. Sing over by the other booths. Drive them off or something. Uh, yes?"

Francisco turns looks at the Shiga.

"INSULTED!" the Fox whines. "Insulted by none other than Chi Maria! OH! ANGST! ANGST and DESPAIR!" He puts one arm over his eyes as if to shield them from his woes. "Oh, woe! I think I shall … " He looks off into the crowd! "Oh, wait, there's my friend. I think I'll go now. Bye!"

Immediately, the foppish Fox shoots off, disappearing into the crowd.

"I've been looking over these dolls in the Bazaar," hisses the reptile. "Are yours the only ones that explode?"

Envoy whispers to Vielanika, "Is that the proper way to emote angst and woe?"

Nodding, Francisco replies. "Uh, yes. Yes they are. Sixty shekels apiece."

Vielanika whispers to Envoy, "That is called 'overly melodramatic'. It is best used only when you intentionally wish to convey exaggeration to your audience. Usually for cheap laughs."

The striped lizard looks pleased. "Exsscellent. How much for the lot?"

Envoy ponders this, then asks, "How much are laughs worth?"

Skrill walks around the new buyer and over to the two ladies saying "I couldn't help overhearing you act in the Opera. To my regret I belive I have missed your appearances." with yet another slight nod.

Vielanika answers, "Well, if the laughs are timed appropriately and for the right crowd, they can be worth a lot in shekels."

Envoy smiles to the friendly bat, "We perform every night, at the Opera House. Vielanika is my advisor."

"Well," says Francisco, thinking. "Since it's been a fairly slow day, I still have a good stock here now. Let's see now."

The kitsune heads behind the booth, and counts the boxes of exploding dolls he has. "I make it around a hundred and six. But since this is probably the largest order I've had, I'll give you a good price."

Francisco quickly works out some sums on his fingers. "Uh, say six-thousand shekels? So that's one gold, one silver?"

A Templar in robes of white and gold makes his way through the crowd … facilitated by a group of Jupani Guards in especially shiny and bright red armor (with tabards of silky white, bearing the red Star-and-Anchor emblem). The Guards encourage Bazaar-goers to step aside to allow the ample-girthed Rath'ani to pass unhindered.

With a smile Skrill says, "Ah, I will have to remember that. It has been too long since I ever enjoyed a good opera performance." Then he bows to Vielanika and says, "Well met Vielanika."

Envoy watches the unfamiliar Templar.

Vielanika smiles. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir. And, yes, Envoy is quite gifted."

The Rath'ani makes his way … toward Francisco's booth … along with his lupine escort.

Letting one ear track the new arrivals, Skrill steps out of their way and lowers his head, still smiling, as he says "Ah, I must allow myself to witness this then."

"Perfect!" hisses the Shiga merchant, digging around in a pocket on his riding breeches. "These will sell like hot yiffle sausages in the Empire. I'll make that back threefold, easily." The reptile places a gold and a silver on the counter.

Francisco waits for the merchant's reply to his offer, and notices the raccoon heading his way. (Why do I not like the look of this) he thinks to himself.

The Rath'ani's own robes are more easily seen now. The Star-and-Anchor emblem upon his robes is slightly different, the horizontal "bar" of the Star forming a stylized balance.

"The Empire?" the Kitsune asks the Shiga. "Uh – you're going to export these?"

Francisco has not heard of an Empire, so assumes it's not something that's around here.

The Guards part way for the Rath'ani to waddle up to Francisco's booth. The raccoon quietly observes the business being conducted, smiling widely.

Envoy looks at each of the Temple Guards, to see if she recognizes any of them. There seems to be an endless supply of Jupani Guards at times.

Seen one wolf, ya seen 'em all. Or, at least, these Jupani do not seem to stand out as any particularly noteworthy, except that they're cleaned up and dressed up to slightly higher standards than most of the Guards (save for the Elite, that is).

The Shiga sniffs, and tucks his moneypurse away. "Of course, my good fellow! That's what trade merchants do. They're the middlemen than make possible bustling business between lands afar, and noble Rephidim." The reptile bows deeply in the presence of the Templar. "Which, I might add, I continually and faithfully support, Auditor. How are you today?"

The Rath'ani makes a burbling laugh, his belly shaking jovially. "Oh, I am doing just fine … Fine, fine, dear Citizen! I am happy, because I bear happy news!"

Palming the money off the counter putting it away, Francisco ponders whether this is going to be a good time or not to put forward an idea to the merchant.

(Okay, I'm a sucker… ) "Is that so, friend Templar?" inquires the Shiga merchant, his own considerable girth not shaking nearly as jovially. "Pray, do tell."

"Oh ho!" smiles the Auditor. "My, my, Citizen Francisco, but business is good for you, I see! You will have no problem at all paying Temple taxes, of course, now that your exemption has come to an end. Yes! It is a time for rejoicing, as you can be a productive member of Rephidim society, just like a native!" He smiles, turning to nod at the Shiga.

Envoy blinks, and whispers to Vielanika, "Do we pay taxes too?"

Vielanika quietly shushes Envoy…

Vielanika whispers, "… it's part of our Guild Dues. The Temple takes its cut that way."

The striped merchant's scaly face creases into a broad smile. "Ahh, the joy of knowing that the system works like a well-kept machine. Few things are as rewarding as doing service by your nation, and living well because of it." The Shiga puffs out his chest slightly, his expensive-looking cape glittering.

"Uh – Temple Taxes? Do you mean that little processing fee that I'm still gradually paying back?" asks the Kitsune.

With a nod to the two ladies Skrill excuses himself and says "My pardons, but I have business to attend to." and smiles as he walks away.

Envoy waves farewell to the nice bat.

"Well, Citizen Francisco, that's the good news I bring you. You are NOT gradually paying back that fee… " the Rath'ani pauses for dramatic emphasis … and to catch his breath. "… but I am here to tell you that, as of the payments your employer, Countess Ophelia, has been directing to the Audit … you are now paid in full!"

Vielanika smiles and waves politely to Skrill.

"Which reminds me… I'd best see to cart rental for moving my shipment," muses the reptile, looking between his stock of boom-foxes, and the inadequate looking saddlebags on his drokkar. "I wouldn't want to be late paying my export tariff at the dock offices."

The Rath'ani Auditor chortles and waves to the Shiga.

Francisco blinks at the raccoon. "In full? Really?"

The kitsune is almost lost for words, but manages to attract the Shiga's attention before he heads off. "Er, about those exports? Perhaps we could talk at a later point if you wanted more dolls? I mean, a mere hundred dolls is not going to last for a whole Empire now."

Using the momentary distraction Skrill quickly sneaks away into the crowd.

The Rath'ani nods. "Really. Of course, since you are now paid in full, this does mean that your business no longer falls under exempt status from the Temple. In any case, it is a joyous occasion, knowing that you are not only free of debt, but now able to actively contribute to the greater good of Rephidim society, is it not?"

The Shiga hauls himself back onto his drokkar with a grunt, and nods at Francisco, still smiling. "That would be an excellent idea, stallkeeper. I will return soon with my cart to load my first shipment for export. I do have to 'test the waters', as it were, with this small sample, but if it does well, you can be sure of seeing me again."

With a nod and smiling to the Rath'ani, Francisco can only agree. "Oh, most definitely."

Francisco catches a moment to wave to the Shiga. "I certainly hope they sell there!" he calls out to him.

The departing merchant turns in the saddle to wave back cheerfully, and is soon lost to view in the hubbub of the Bazaar.

Looking back at the Rath'ani, Francisco asks, kind of warily, "You mentioned something about being no longer exempt?"

The Rath'ani nods to Francisco. "Yes. As of tomorrow's business, you will be paying taxes like any other honest Citizen of Rephidim. Isn't that wonderful?"

Francisco smiles back to the auditor. "Oh, yes, most wonderful, I'm sure. Er, how much?"

"The Temple Tithe, of course, is every Citizen's joy to contribute," the Rath'ani explains. "But, of course, this will require more detailed bookkeeping. You will need to keep precise counts of how many … ah … 'Guy Foxes' you sell, and for how much, and how much each one costs you, as well as associated expenses. And, of course, doing my duty as a loyal Auditor, I will be comparing your claims to the numbers provided to me by your suppliers. Simply to avoid any unfortunate mistakes in accounting, of course."

Skrill is suddenly seen again, as he, a little more paled eared hurry past Francisco's booth once again. He immediately runs over to the landing spot and takes off. Flying away. He seems to be holding a roll of parchment quite firmly in his hand.

"Oh, yes. Of course," nods the Kitsune, following the train of thought that if he can be agreeable to the taxman, er, taxcoon, he'll go away quicker.

The Rath'ani happily burbles, "In any case, this is a day for celebration! And, to commemorate this event, I would like to note that … hmm." He glances at the rapidly-departing Eeee, but then looks back to Francisco. "I would like to note that, should you care for it, in return for a modest donation of one copper to the Temple, you can receive this commemorative ring, so that you will always remember your joy upon paying your debt to the Temple for your Processing." He holds up a ceramic ring of modest-to-little value compared to a copper coin.

"It sounds very complicated," Envoy comments. "You must have a very good math teachers here."

"The best!" the Rath'ani chortles.

"Your Temple Tithes at work!" the Rath'ani boasts.

Francisco looks at the ring, somewhat disapprovingly. "I think I might pass on that. I've never been one for jewelry," he notes.

Envoy frowns. She wasn't offered a ring…

The Rath'ani raises an eyebrow. "But don't think of this as jewelry. Think of it as … a token of appreciation. A symbol of your pride at your ability to contribute to the Rephidim way of life now."

Francisco says, "Good idea. To think about it, I mean. It's okay if I think about getting that ring before I do, isn't it?"

Envoy looks to Vielanika and asks, "I guess I don't get a ring because you paid for my processing?"

Vielanika just bites her lip.

The Rath'ani seems to be sharp-eared enough to catch Envoy's question. "Oh! Why, it's that Exile, Envoy! So, you haven't been offered a ring? Well, you see, it's a new program to promote pride on the part of Exiles … since there have just been so MANY lately, and we don't wish them to feel that they are any less special for it. As a matter of fact, I have some extras. Would you care to make a donation of one copper shekel to the Temple, in order to receive one?"

Envoy thinks it over. "I really can't afford that much right now. I will have to be content with the work I've already done for the Temple I suppose."

The Rath'ani looks fairly disappointed. "Very well, then. Well … I suppose it will be enough to know that you will be contributing in other ways. For now. But I have business to tend to. So, if you will excuse me… " The Guards, at this cue, begin to encircle him once more, and the Auditor – with some effort – makes his way away from the booth.

Francisco takes the auditor's departure as a 'yes' to his question. Not that he really wants the ring.

Envoy turns back to Vielanika, and holds her hands about a foot apart before asking, "How much would a black pearl about this big around be worth, Vielanika?"

Vielanika blinks. "A black pearl, that large? Well … I have no idea, really. I imagine it would be worth a fortune. Enough to retire on, get a mansion of your own, several servants, invest in some businesses, throw lots of parties… "

Vielanika lapses into daydreaming at the notion.

Envoy blinks, and drops her hands. "That is useful to know, in case I come into possession of another pearl like that."

Vielanika's jaw drops. "A… ANOTHER?"

The brown bat squeaks, hugging her wings up under her chin.

The kitsune looks around the Bazaar. It's still slow business-wise, and he thinks about shutting up for the day. Especially as most of his stock is now gone.

Envoy blinks, "Are you alright, Vielanika? You look pale."

Vielanika sighs. "Oh … I'm … fine. Nevermind. Just the prospect of squandered fortunes and that sort of thing. Ahem. I think … I think I'll go for a stroll now. Take care of yourself, Envoy!" With that, she makes a fluttering wave, and strolls off into the crowd.

Envoy remembers the bat's expression, and files it away under 'shock'. It could be useful in a future performance.


GMed by Greywolf

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