Landing 15, 6106 RTR (Jul 06, 2011) Tasha reports in, reviewing the many discoveries she's discovered during her time in the Pit.
(Planet Abaddon) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Tasha)

Captain Akkers has put a 'blackout' on Tasha for the moment. This means the crew, other than himself and Dr. Caravelli, aren't to have access to her until he's heard everything first. So the ship seems awfully quiet and lonely as she's brought to medical, where the tests begin.

Bellerophon Medical Bay
Much larger than the one on the Fenris, Bellerophon's med-bay needs to handle a larger and more diverse crew. Different sections reflect this in how they are laid out and what equipment they contain, set for dealing with Terran, Silent-One and Imperial physiologies respectively. Even the hibernation systems are segregated.

The tests take some time, but the results are good: Caravelli doesn't find any traces of radiation damage, nanotech contamination or 'rewiring' of her neural implants. Remiel's report goes a long way towards making Gabriel less tense, also.

"I'm going to debrief her in my quarters," Gabriel says to Caravelli as he offers Tasha his hand to help her off the medical bed.

"It's good to know there's nothing wrong with me; between the anti-matter detonation and repeated contacts, I wasn't completely sure." Tasha accepts the hand, standing. She's wearing just her undersuit, since she hasn't had a chance to go to her quarters and change yet. "I'm with you, Captain."

The main corridor is still empty – the Captain hasn't lifted his blackout order yet, after all. His quarters haven't changed much in the past few days, since any work being done on Bellerophon is still focused on the exterior. Gabriel picks up a datapad, and pulls his chair over by the bed, which he gestures to. "Make yourself comfortable, Tasha," he says. "I hope things have been well in the Pit so far?"

The young woman walks over to the bed, taking a seat. Noticing Gabriel's datapad, she pulls out her own. "I'd say things are working out better than expected, however, I'm uncertain what the reaction to my disappearance will be. I would have warned them I would not be returning, but you know the state of current-era communications technology and reliability. Even with the Harmonia at my disposal, I didn't want to risk what happened to the Phoenix, which I'll get to in a bit."

"Alright, start at the beginning then," Gabriel says with a slight grin. "I'll stop you if I need anything clarified."

Tasha returns the smile, looking a little tired. "Alright, Captain." She looks down at her datapad, clearly navigating its menus, then nods. "Let's start from the beginning … "

"The flight over was uneventful, but I have to say as someone who's grown up around airships, I'm impressed with their airship design and capability. Anyway, I deployed above the Pit, and as you'd expect, my landing drew a lot of attention from the locals – including from the Press. I tried to answer as best I could given my lack of preparedness against their blitz, and I think I did as well as could be expected. After that, I met up with the Council representatives and joined them during their return to the Council residential complex, where I and Dr. Zerachiel would also be housed. That concludes day one." Tasha looks over, seeing if her Captain has any questions.

"Press… I'm surprised I didn't foresee that," Gabriel comments. "Did you get along with them?"

"I tried to answer questions equitably among the various national and local papers, allowing three questions each. I believe I got on with them, but I got the feeling they were hoping for something more … juicy? … than "I come in peace." In particular, they seemed worried I represented a foreign power and had come as conqueror, or at least stake claim to, the Pit, and also a fear we might be here to replace the Knights. I dissuaded both notions," the cadet explains.

"Telling questions," the older wolf notes, nodding, as he taps on his pad. "Now we know to have some official press releases ready when the time comes. Go on… did anything else of note happen that day?"

"Nothing of note. We were given our rooms, and spent the rest of the day settling in and preparing. We chose to stay at the complex, like I said – partially because we had no funding to stay elsewhere, and partially to show we were under the Council's authority," Tasha answers. "Ready for day two?"

Gabriel nods, ears perked.

Day two saw my first flight, and it was an intense one. Eli's flight plan had me flying a calibration pattern in order to ensure accurate second flight scanning results, but I aborted this flight plan at its apex when the Melchior detected a visual distortion near our level, which was beyond the capability of piloted current-era craft. After several hours of flight, our intercept course took us beyond current maps in to a geologically unstable region rife with active volcanism. During this time, we attempted an active scan of the target, which resulted in some inconclusive results, save that it was unlikely to be a atmospheric event, nor a weather balloon – it also resulted in the target apparently cloaking to escape detection. At this point I decided to press the intercept and attempt to locate and identify the target. Unexpectedly, however, a scan of the volcanic region revealed what appeared to be a giant life form, in the shape of a snail-like creature with a shell covered in crystal. I changed course in an attempt to determine if the creature, and the shattered glass-like plateau below, was the target. Several seconds in, the world went to hell."

"It was a Forbidden Zone – a space/time rift. On Sinai, these are the bane of both life and technology, often filled with monsters, atmospheric oddities, and SPFs of remarkable levels. Inside, I saw a world enclosed in a massive storm vortex, and before me, a creature the size of the Pit of Himaar floating in the air. It looked like a plate covered in the same crystalline structure as the 'snail,' with tentacles extending from its base, and surrounded by a swarm of Melchior-sized smaller creatures. Unfortunately, I didn't have very long to observe, because we experienced system-wide disruption. Thankfully, the system was able to react sufficiently to expedite our retreat from the region."

"On the way home, I requested a landing in order to gather my wits. I … fell asleep outside the Melchior, and suffered some minor hypothermia as well as minor injuries from the local fauna. Upon my return, Eli was able to extract the data, and I was hospitalized for the next several days. That concludes day two and three," Tasha finishes with a breath. "Quite a day, as you can see."

Gabriel studies Tasha's face. "Alright, now what are you not telling me?" he asks. "What was your reasoning for abandoning your flight plan, and what were your reactions on encountering the Forbidden Zone?"

Tasha reaches up and rubs the top of her muzzle. "I reasoned that a contact at that altitude, that showed active cloaking, was unlikely to be weather balloon nor atmospheric conditions,  and was potentially an Expedition vessel or alien life form. As it turns out, I found both." She smiles a little, but there's pain in her smile, and in her scent. "And then I nearly died. I panicked when we hit the Forbidden Zone; it wasn't something I had anticipated and, at least on Sinai, they are well-known ship killers. They are a horror story every child of the docks grows up hearing about. And what was more … ," she lets her hand fall, looking Gabriel eye to eye, "It was just like the Fenris crash. I thought I was about to die, just like she had. We survived, but … I was a wreck afterwards."

"And that's why you left the safety of your Gryphon?" Gabriel asks, sounding concerned. He reaches over to put his hand over Tasha's.

Tasha smiles more genuinely, laying her hand on her mate's. "I needed to get out of the cockpit. I love the Melchior, but I just couldn't endure being confined after what happened. I wanted to see the sky; I just didn''t expected to fall asleep." She takes a deep breath, then exhales, shaking her head. "I just wanted to see the sky and feel the wind, to know that I was still alive. I don't pretend it makes a lot of sense, in hindsight."

"And how were you injured? Frostbite?" Gabriel asks, smelling upset at the idea of Tasha exposing herself to the elements.

Tasha's head shakes. "Some bruised ribs and frostbite. The vermaxes shook me around a bit, but they weren't so brave after I woke up." She then pats Gabriel's hand, leaning forward. "I'm fine Gabriel. Really. In the days after, I, if not exactly forgot what happened, at least was able to move on and regain my nerve."

"Eli must have been in a panic when you left," Gabriel notes. "What happened next?"

"Other days happened." Tasha leans back, looking to her datapad once again. "The several day recovery period allowed time for the data to be analyzed and presentation to be created. Eli handled the scientific analysis, of course, and lead the review in front of the Council. During this time, an Ambassador 'Riddle Smith' – her actual name, and I believe she is a spy as well as the Terran ambassador to the Knights Templar – approached me suggesting I leave before the Council starts asking questions I may not be ready to handle yet. I agreed, following her out. As it happens, she lead me to one Raehab, an ex-Confederate pilot with a story to tell. You see, he was the pilot of the 'Phoenix,' a Garuda-class transport recovered and repurposed in to a Confederate super-weapon. The Phoenix also detected the UFO, and, upon attempting to intercept, was destroyed by a high power mazer at significant range. The purpose of this meeting was to warn me away from the Phantom, but as you can see, I didn't follow the advice. End day four."

"Here Be Dragons," Gabriel recites. He also sniffs, and asks, "Tell me more about Raehab."

"Caught that, did you? I was wondering if I could hide it," Tasha admits, grinning sheepishly. "It's nice to know you know me so well." She chuckles, head shaking, then explains, "Raehab's an ex-Captain, the kind of pilot who's flown or driven everything the Confederacy has to offer. When the Phoenix was destroyed, they blamed him as a traitor rather than accept the story a mysterious aircraft shot them down with microwaves. He didn't fair any better physically; the mazer damaged half his body, and he has insectoid prosthetics. I don't think I need to say,  but his life only went downhill from there. I visited him several times out of a mix of sympathy and interest."

"And I'm a little attracted to him," Tasha adds, as if sensing the impending question. She gives a little shrug of her shoulders, grinning a bit more.

"Girls and pilots," Gabriel says, chuckling and shaking his head. "I can imagine his demeanor. I've known plenty like that; cocky, forward… even after a disaster. Probably acted like the prosthetics didn't bother him at all, right?"

"You got it; he was a bad boy," the young woman agrees, smiling even more. "And still, he's a tragic figure. I'm sure it comes as a surprise I'm attracted to men like that. I've been trying to help him, even if it's just sharing a drink. Of course, now that I found his Phantom, maybe I can do more than talk."

"That is something that may have to wait," Gabriel says. "A Tech Level One artifact… " he starts, then stops. "Jumping ahead there. Please continue your report."

Tasha nods. "All in time." She glances at her datapad and reads, "Day five proved to be both productive and thankfully uneventful; I was able to complete the original flight plan and bring Eli the data, which, I believe, is still being analyzed. Beyond that, I managed to arrange a stipend from the Council while also talking with a few important individuals about politics and the Pit in general. That concludes day five."

"Any land-mines in the political landscape we have to dance around?" Gabriel asks.

"To my surprise, the Confederate representative Colonel Talonstrike advised we avoid Confederates in leadership positions, and instead consider Terrans or, if vetted properly, Imperials. My own experience tells me Silent-Ones will make excellent technical personnel. Raehab's a political thorn, so we can't associate with him openly; the ambassadors and Knight I met all seemed friendly enough, and the Knight was happy to speak with me. The Knight was sad to hear that their brethren on Sinai are fairing poorly, as is their opinion there. I also asked about the Colonel's opinion of me, given I'm a Confederate/Terran split; she said as an alien as as a hybrid, I'm an unknown, so we can conclude I wouldn't suffer from negative Confederate opinion," the young woman adds.

"The Confederates have the most to gain from supporting us right now," Gabriel notes, sounding unsurprised. "But they always seemed more aloof and secretive in the original Expedition. Did the Knights seem to be trying to make a good impression, or genuinely open to us?"

Tasha shakes her head. "They remained as they had been, although I'm sure they were keeping tabs on me. I'd have more contact and influence with them in the days to come."

Gabriel nods. "Alright, continue your report."

Tasha nods. "Day six seemed like it would also be relatively uneventful, except my data analysis session with Eli – he had found water – was interrupted by Aaron Lightfoot, the Lapi man you remember us traveling with. He wanted my help to locate the burrow of a relative, but feared aggression from local fauna, necessitating I arm myself to assist him. Gathering the weapons was … interesting, to say the least. Nothing quite turns heads or garners attention from embassy guards like walking in with a Silent-One Titan chain-weapon! Anyway, armed, we set forth in to the countryside and were able to locate the burrow. Tragically, we discovered that several of the family members had been murdered and cooked in order to provide nourishment to three individuals, who we also found dead, killed by the poison in the Lapis' veins. I left Aaron to mourn in peace, returning outside. The quiet was interrupted by alarm, which I determined to be due to a incursion by canal creatures. I warned Aaron to take shelter in the burroh and moved to assist the Knights who were entering the field. I was able to dispatch one of the creatures – rotbiters, as I found out later – before I was intercepted by a Knight and informed my help was requested at the dam fending off a large creature which was attempting to breach it. After boarding the Melchior, I sortied."

"While not as large as the plate-like creature, the creature attacking the dam was none-the-less massive, certainly enough to eventually destroy the dam and flood the Pit. It was, however, not very intelligent and I was able to lure it away from the dam so that the incendiary-shell loaded cannons could finish it without further damaging the dam. I remained on site until the repairs were complete, returning to base afterwards. Upon landing, I was informed I was to receive an honor by Archon Strength-of-Stones: I was to be inducted in to the group who's pilots had fought canal creatures, and to be given a Silent-Ones name, all this later that day. I returned the weapons and located Aaron to see how he faired, then returned to Eli and reported what had transpired, also inviting him to the ceremony. The ceremony … I believe courtesy and respect ask I not go in to the detail in an official report, so I believe it is sufficient to say that it was indeed a high honor, and my name among the People is now, "Winged-Gift," in keeping with the name given to me in Amazonia. End day six."

"I didn't know Lapi were poisonous," Gabriel admits. "And… were you scared?"

"These particular Lapi were the family members of a poisoner, who's paranoia seemed to prove true in the end. It's a shame her wit couldn't also save her family," Tasha explains, frowning. She takes a breath, then, "I was … I was anxious. I didn't mention this, but I had a good talk with Eli about what happened, and that had calmed my nerves. Beyond that, this was … different? … than my flight alone. This time, there were lives at stake. There were innocent people who's families could suffer if those creatures reached the city. I thought of Ambassador Cromwell and his late wife, and whatever fear I had was not enough to keep me from assisting. By the end of the day, I had returned to my old self, and found my courage renewed."

"Good," Gabriel says, and leans over to give Tasha a kiss. "I'll have to reward you then! You can go on for now though; what happened next?"

Tasha beams a smile, and leans over to kiss her mate right back. "Thank you," she says, leaning back. "I'll also note that I believe these actions – while only a tertiary concern at the time – will have improved our standing." Taking a deep breath and glancing at her datapad, she admits, "This is going to be a long one. Get comfortable, and lets hope I don't run out of breath!"

"With nothing else to do but wait for the results, I had decided several days  I should keep with the mission of the JEF and continue my duty by locating and determining the nature of the so-called Phantom. Further, I believed that the more perceptive members of the Council and other important dignitaries may have realized my first flight had terrified me, and so I believed continuing my mission in the face of that fear was the best course. This was that day. Knowing some of the Phantom's capabilities by now, I plotted a stealth approach in order to get as close as possible to both avoid detection and hostilities."

"Upon approach we used a series of rocky formation which we 'hopped' from behind to take snapshots before moving forward. At one of these pits we detected a life form, which, as it happened, turned out to be a crab-like creature with the same crystalline coating seen on the snail and plate creature – it seems the creatures can in fact escape the rift and enter Abaddon proper. We decided evasion was best given the circumstances, but I resolved to try and collect a shard for study. Again, more on those in a bit. After several hops, we detected the plate-like creature approaching the now confirmed position of the Phantom; using what I now know to be an anti-matter beam weapon, the creature was slain by the Phantom, which came as quite a shock given the suddenness! And there was little time to recover: the Phantom had detected us."

"It was not what I expected. The Phantom overrode Melchior's interface with me, and spoke with me directly, identifying itself as 'Enyo, Partner to Abaddon,' and asking if I, the Bird of Hermes, which is Melchior's code-name, had come to challenge it for its favored status with Abaddon. After an unsettling dialogue in which its avatar appeared to me, it seemed confused, then intrigued, by my presence. I believe it had thought I was simply another machine and had not anticipated a living being. It invited me to speak with it, and that I 'knew where to find it.' It also said it would recharge the Melchior's stores, so, I decided to continue forward. What we found is as shown: an unnamed Khattan Trade Coalition frigate."

"Let me tell you … it is beautiful. Inside and out; it's like a Vartan heaven wrought as a hovering Chronotopian watch. The interior was no exception, but, eerily, there was no one on board except myself and what I assumed was a ProgMat horse. I was taken to the control room and interfaced with the ship, meeting its AI, which, as it turns out, was the one who contacted me. As the dialogue progressed, I learned that the ship was entirely unmanned, placed there to observe the Expedition's progress and report back if the Expedition 'failed.' Neither I, nor the AI, could figure out what constitutes 'failure,' however. The ship also claimed to be self-aware; it said it had achieved sentience and person-hood, and I found no reason to dispute this. Disturbingly, I also discovered that an entity calling itself 'Abaddon' had contacted the machine, and that it was following its command, now. We entered in to a lengthy discussion about the value of life, wherein which I was offered the chance to act as pilot and carry out Abaddon's wishes – to exterminate all alien life on Abaddon using the ship's weapons. Needless to say, I declined. I was able to convince the ship that its belief that the people of this world were not worth saving is not be the correct belief, and that it should give the people a chance rather than judge them from afar. I believe the ship to be child-like, not having had a chance to experience other lives personally, but only from afar, having developed sentience, as seems to be the case with this star system for machines, from exposure to the SPF. Further, suggested we approach Tartarus, so it could have a chance to meet others in an isolated environment, and so I could consult with you. I named the ship Harmonia, the peaceful-natured mirror of Enyo, goddess of war."

Tasha pauses to catch her breath, ears perking in case there are any questions so far, and to catch her breath!

"A sentient machine that may be crazy, using Tech Level One equipment," Gabriel mutters, and rubs at his eyes for a moment. "Why did it attack the large alien?"

"She feared for her life," Tasha explains. "Later she would ask me if she had done the right thing. You see, she tried to communicate with the creature and it responded, but she couldn't understand its response. It then moved to intercept her, whereupon she fired. She did not know if it was hostile or just curious; my answer was that we will likely never know, what's done is done, and, given the situation, attack seemed like a reasonable response in the absence of information. I urged her to learn from the event, for future encounters."

"And as for crazy … Well, we'll get to that," Tasha adds, looking up at Gabriel.

"And you wanted to collect samples of this alien?" Gabriel asks.

"Yes. I'll get to that too," Tasha says with a little smile. She even holds up her datapad "I spent two hours writing this," she insists!

"Well, okay… go on then," Gabriel says, smiling.

Tasha winks, then looks back to her datapad. "And, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I believe we have a serious problem; there's also several lesser issues, and what I believe might be a significant discovery." She pauses, taking a moment to scroll down and gathering herself for the coming admittance. After taking another deep breath, she begins again.

"You see, this isn't the first time I've heard of Abaddon contacting someone. I believe Abaddon had also contacted me during the period I was asleep and exposed during my first flight. A figure who resembled me, except male, greeted me, identifying himself as Abaddon, and speaking of 'our children' inheriting a clean world – a world without the Expedition species. He suggested this is what I wanted as well, and when I declined, he became hostile and used … imagery to suggest he would force his agenda upon me. Later, fearing this being who may well be my god, or at least possess god-like powers, and might manipulate me, I warned Eli and recorded my fears and what to do if I appeared to have turned upon the world. I believe I may also have been contacted through dreams aboard the Harmonia during my flight here; in this dream I had become Empress through my usage of the Harmonia to conqueror the Pit.

Shifting uncomfortably, Tasha explains, "To make a long and disturbing – not to mention embarrassing – story short, I had achieved power at the cost of my connection to those I once loved. In the end I was betrayed by them, and turned upon people, initiating a global war which resulted in not only our death from fighting each other, but a severe increase in paranoia for the residents of Sheol, whom Abaddon refered to as 'our children.' They would, he told me, later bombard the planet out of this paranoia, killing the nations I had not, and giving Abaddon what he wanted in the end."

"And now you see my concern. I believe Abaddon, god or AI, is the planet's controller, and has awoken in time with the rifts, which had only started opening this year. It is possible he is just one face of a larger AI system, a self-defense system that is now reacting to our presence and attempting to use whatever means available to exterminate us – and those methods now seem to include trying to use both the Harmonia and myself. I have discussed several option in combating this problem with the Melchior, and I believe we have some good ideas." Tasha turns to look at Gabriel, adding, "I have a summary of other major concerns and finds, too. But I'm sure you have questions now?"

"You've been disturbed by dreams before," Gabriel says, and taps Tasha's forehead with a finger. "Especially since you had those implants. I'm not a psychiatrist though… you'll need Remiel for that. What makes you think these were more than just dreams though?"

"Two reasons," Tasha says, going crosseyed as she looks up at the finger against her head. "They coincide with things I had not yet learned, which in turn connect to world events. Second, both I, and the Harmonia, have had similar dreams – or in the Harmonia's case contact – with the same tone and same intentions."

"And you are certain the dreams were not somehow implanted by the ship's AI, as a way of reinforcing it's own delusions?" Gabriel asks.

"I had the first dream during my period asleep outside the Melchior, after we had escape from the rift," Tasha replies, head shaking. "In fact, I anticipated I may have been contacted, even back then. Abaddon spoke of a green planet, which was confirmed by analysis of the findings I reported. I had no idea coal meant the world had been green before; the dream was the first I considered it a possibility. I was concerned enough to record my concerns with Eli, and inform him that it may be possible that Abaddon could force my compliance; that he should be aware in case this occurred."

"While it's possible these are programmed memories, it does not explain the events prior to contact with the Harmonia," Tasha concludes.

"I still have a hard time dealing with visions," Gabriel admits. Then he points upwards, probably not at the ceiling but beyond it. "As for your new friend; the JEF charter puts it outside our jurisdiction. It is not officially part of the Expedition fleet, and represents proscribed technology; we can't service or repair it if needed. And if it's sentient… then it's not really a machine either. What do you plan on doing with it?"

"Let me read my entry for that concern now," Tasha replies as she looks down at her datapad. ""Aside from those world threats, I have also become captain of the Harmonia. However, it is less a command position as one of mutual agreement. The Harmonia reserves its right to break off from my command at any time, and has its own opinions about what it desires. You could say I'm more like its caretaker, or guiding figure." This is my current take on the situation; I am acting as guide and as a balance to any external influence. I will also note that, should she allow us to make use of her facilities, they are entirely programmable; the interior is empty, but has a significant store of ProgMat." Looking up, Tasha says, "I'm uncertain what this means for me as a JEF officer cadet, however."

"Captain? Well, you did want your own airship," Gabriel says, rubbing his eyes again. "What does having a captain do for that ship that it couldn't do before, if it was meant to be unmanned?"

Tasha smiles, albeit uncomfortably – this wast quite how she had expected to gain a captaincy! "Well," she begins, glancing at her datapad again, "I did and do want to be captain, but this isn't like any other captaincy position. As for what it does: The Harmonia cannot act outside its mission guidelines without a living pilot. I believe I may have more command authority than she would like to admit, and she is undoubtedly a little uncomfortable knowing another life form can command her. I will do my best not to abuse the position." Taking a breath, Tasha scans the entry on the Harmonia, and adds, "The Harmonia's weapon is incidental to a working sub-light interstellar drive unit. The ship features a vast array of stators, modifiable environment, hangar space equal to one silo of Tartarus, and full AI control."

"Oh, and 'Harmonia' is my name for the vessel; it has no official designation, and 'Enyo' seemed too militant. Thus, Harmonia, Enyo's peaceful opposite," Tasha explains.

Gabriel taps his fingers on his own datapad, lost in thought. "She doesn't sound ready to be overwhelmed with company," he finally says. "I'd be happier if that drive system could be disabled, but that would be a waste if it still works. Are you open to a suggestion?"

"Weapon control has been locked to me, by the way. It's an immense weight to carry, knowing I now have the power to destroy cities, but I felt it was better than allowing her to retain it," Tasha says, then perks her ears and nods.

"Take her back to the Pit, and park her at an altitude of no less than 60,000 feet," Gabriel suggests. "That will make her essentially invisible, and only reachable via Melchior. Which means you could only conceivably bring along one person at a time in the cockpit. At that height, she will make an excellent communications relay satellite, and have a good enough view of things to keep her occupied."

Tasha smiles. "I'll do that; thank you, Captain. Perhaps I'll bring Raehab to meet her, when I feel she is mature enough to understand what the meeting will mean." She then glances at her datapad, and asks, "So, want the rest?"

"There's more?" the Karnor asks in surprise. "Alright. The moons are about to fall, right? We're being invaded by alien space crabs? You're pregnant?"

Tasha barks a laugh, holding up a hand. "Not all of that," she insists, and has to catch her breath from laughing before she can continue. Wheezing, she pulls up her datapad and begins to recite, "A-as mentioned, the Sheolian government may also be subject to interference and corruption of purpose by Abaddon. If we do not address this possible threat soon, it is possible that Sheol will become hostile. You know the results of that, and there's your falling moon." She gives Gabriel a brow-raised look over her datapad. "

"In brighter news, at least on the scientific front, my dream gave me more than a fright: it also showed what those crystalline structures may be capable of. In the dream I knew them as 'Incursion Stator Crystals;' yes, stators. I believe that may allow us to fabricate our own makeshift stator arrays, which was illustrated in the design of the Neo-Themis-Skoll, within the dream. Speaking of Titans, my dream also included the Melchior as a 'Super-Gryphon'. In order to ascertain the reliability of the dream, I had asked several questions, and this was one of the possibilities. It turns out a 'Super-Gryphon' is possible; it would allow the Melchior unlimited flight range, including in space, at the cost of structural modification and the loading of an on-board nuclear reactor. It's an idea, however I'd like to consult with Fred, yourself Captain, and Melchior before any modifications are made, to ensure we make the best possible decision."

"And that concludes my report, Captain," Tasha finishes, setting her datapad down.

"Melchior is a TL2 machine – I'm not sure we could manage alterations to it," Gabriel says. "We can barely repair Bellerophon with the resources available. Still, it may be worth looking at those crystals – if you take Harmonia back, you could probably pick up samples and keep them aboard for analysis. In your dream, did the Sheolians become directly controlled, influenced, or manipulated by circumstance?"

"It seemed like a mix of direct manipulation, and manipulation by proxy – namely through myself. However, the Sheolian government is a nation composed of a wide variety of AI, most of which is in its sentient infancy and not of the same technological complexity of the Harmonia. I believe they may be even more vulnerable than the Harmonia and myself, as I am a living creature and the Harmonia a Tech Level 1 AI construct. Sheol may suffer from a cascade paranoid breakdown, but the time frame for this is difficult to predict. I suggest asking Nora, Mariel, and Fred about this," the red woman replies.

"As for alterations, I believe the Harmonia is capable of these without external assistance. Given her task, self-repair would have been mandatory and redundant," Tasha adds.

"You'll need to prepare a full report of what the craft is capable of," Gabriel says. "And as detailed a recounting of this dream of yours as you can recall. I may want you to reconnect to the Persocom system to upload it."

"For the report I'll need to confer with the Harmonia. The dreams … " Tasha glances towards the door, biting her lip a moment as she thinks, then saying, " … I'm as ready as I'll ever be. You'll want them all, I'm sure?"

"Just the ones dealing with this apparent threat," Gabriel says. "Is there any more to report?"

Tasha begins to stand, but pauses. "Oh, yes. I almost forgot: the Harmonia has information on the purpose of the Magi Titans. If you like, I'll leave the summary data here on my datapad, and you can copy that while I go upload my dreams."

Setting his own pad aside, Gabriel says, "Hopefully it will be illuminating. But before you go to get collared… " He reaches over and runs a finger along the scales of Tasha's biosuit, splitting open the seams. "You still smell of stress. I think a shower is in order. I'll even help soap you up, if you want?" he says, smiling. "I've missed you."

Tasha raises an eyebrow at the gesture, but then her expression melts, and she grins. Without asking, she simply drops in to Gabriel's lap. "I missed you, too!" She gives him a big kiss, then settles her head on his shoulder. "In all the danger, the worry, the responsibility, it's hard to remember to be a person and to enjoy things like this. Sometimes I feel like my gaze is turning too far off, and that I can't see the world around me. That was her mistake, Gabriel. She focused on her goals and forgot the people around her."

"Just so long as it's not turning to other captains," Gabriel says, and lifts Tasha up to carry her into the bathroom. "I'll have to visit the Pit on the next Ajax run… "

As the dream playback finishes, Nora comments, "I can't believe you'd leave me to die helpless in space, Tasha. And you really need more pilot combat training. Although… I did like the new Themis-Skoll… "

Aside from Nora, Fred is also there in the virtual space. He hasn't commented yet, having watched it all in silent contemplation.

As the playback wound on, Tasha began to look increasingly uncomfortable. By the end, her arms were folded, ears back, and her face wears an expression that might be at home on her projected other's. "Are we now going to hold this against me for the rest of my life?"

"And I didn't leave you to die in space," Tasha adds. "I was in a hurry and was hoping you'd die in the atmosphere."

"Not to mention you were entirely too predictable … " she continues, muttering.

Remiel appears next, having been monitoring Tasha's emotional states through the playback.

"This isn't a vision of the future, it's a fantasy," Fred notes. "It also doesn't make sense given the premise of Tasha being influenced by a planetary intelligence with a mean streak."

"No, … This would have been my own doing. This Tasha … ," Tasha unfolds her hands, walking over to the image of her self, crippled in space. " … This Tasha had given up hope. Abaddon's plan was incidental; a last resort that barely mattered. Abaddon was simply a cold comfort when all she wanted had passed her by, and life was little more than power, devoid of feeling. I believe the purpose of this vision was to try and break my spirit, or at least sew the seeds of doubt, paranoia, and contempt," she concludes.

"Why?" Fred asks, looking to Tasha. "This and the one before it… they don't seem to me to be attempts to control you – but to warn you."

"Okay, I sorta see that," Nora agrees, crossing her arms. "Why show you what it hopes will happen, and thus give you something to work to prevent?"

"And it's not showing control over the Sheolians; they're allied with us in this scenario," Fred notes. "The stuff about them becoming paranoid after nearly being attacked… that sounds like something someone only familiar with the conflicts within the Expedition would think."

"Yeah, it showed us sacrificing ourselves to protect them," Nora realizes.

Tasha's emotional state is strained, that much is obvious. In the first dream she exhibited the discomfort that comes with having one's innermost desires exposed. The second dream put her on edge, and the longer it went on, the more she seemed to try and bury her feelings. "To be honest, I'm not sure, myself. I had considered that these may be warnings, but if so, from whom? My other thought is that this Abaddon doesn't understand people, that he is an alien AI attempting to communicate his wishes, but doesn't understand that I may recoil from them. The other idea is, of course, that they are a warning." Glancing over, Tasha steps towards the stranded Super-Gryphon, stepping in to the cockpit and resting her hands on her other's shoulders, staring the Empress in the eyes, searching. "Then why paint me as the villain? Why not show me on your side, saving the day? Is whatever creates these images trying to warn me against power? To, … 'eat my wings', as the prophecy foretells? Could that be its wish? Are we dealing with an Expedition source?"

"The dream you had before, about my death," Nora says, "That must have been using information embedded by Melchior or the interface system. There could be something more in there that is guiding some of this, or responding to outside manipulation… " Tasha continues to stare in to her other's eyes, even as she nods. "There's an idea. That doesn't explain why the Harmonia also reports contact with Abaddon, though, or, why he attempted to look like me. Is it all symbolism, and the Abaddon contacting AI is separate from the one in my dreams?" Her head shakes, and she says, "It does all seem to follow the embedded prophecy, and now I possess the completed … "

"A firewall," Fred says, grinning. "Tasha is wired for a neural interface, after all; there has to be something in place to protect her mind from being controlled through it! That could be what's generating the warning parts. But… the idea of an AI that doesn't understand how people work is pretty strong too. It can't just take people over though, or machines. Otherwise it would have had Harmonia act when it was Enyo." Tasha pauses to listen to Fred's words, and nods again. "Yes. I'm uncertain why I keep being paired as partner to Abaddon, either. Enyo is Abaddon's partner, at least in myth. Is it suggesting we're connected? Or, am I a stand in for the Harmonia? Maybe it can't tell the difference?"

"Maybe it's Tisiphone," Remiel suggests. "Whatever that other personality is you've mentioned, Tasha. The one that… well, is like a nicer version of the Empress?"

"You were already his herald, before when you found us," Remiel says. "And this Enyo is also part of the same group of beings?"

Finally letting go, Tasha stands up, turning to her friends. "Tisiphone claimed to be my 'soul.' I saw her again, when I created my PeroCom. She reviewed my life, and said she had 'still been a part of my mind' at some point. She also called me Aldara, which only Amazonians usually do. And … she said I was the part of her that I come closest to when connected to the Melchior."

"That sure sounds like something added in with the cybernetics," Fred mutters. "A buffer between your mind and Melchior… or other AIs. Maybe. I'm a techie, so that makes more sense to me than angels and deities."

"That's right, I was playing the role of Tisiphone, Herald of Abaddon. But Tisiphone isn't Abaddon's equal; she's just one of many minor goddesses. Enyo's his equal, or at least female counterpart. And Abaddon himself is Khattan, which means the original imagery can be sourced to the Khattan Trade Coalition's culture," Tasha replies.

"He's Olympian, technically," Remiel says. "The bunnies had the same gods, but they were bunnies. I wouldn't read much into their appearance – they'll always resemble the dominant race of whatever culture they appear in."

"And Abaddon appeared in your image," Nora notes, looking thoughtful. "When you first met the avatar of Enyo's AI, what did it look like?"

"I'm uncertain what Tisiphone – my Tisiphone – meant by 'once having been part of my mind ' and 'I come closest to when connected to the Melchior,' though. If she's my firewall, why claim to be my soul? Wouldn't I always be closest to her, no matter where I am, if she's my firewall?" Tasha's head shakes; so many questions! Glancing over, she move to seat herself beside her double. "In my image, of course, but far more fearsome. Come to think of it, it is very strange. Why are all these people appearing in my image? Or your image, Nora, if we expand a little."

"Because I'm the prettiest Karnor in the universe," Nora says with a perfectly straight face. "But, if you do have some sort of buffer that activates when you interact with AI, it could inform them of what image to take, or filter things so that that's what you perceive. You should ask Harmonia about her avatar. You last talked to this part of your mind when you were interacting with the PersoCom system in creating your own AI counterpart. You even thought you were an AI for awhile… so maybe you do have an AI embedded in your mind somehow to protect you."

Turning back, Tasha nods. "That is when it started, all after a ritual. I can't claim to understand what they did with me, save that I met myself, and she provided advice as Tisiphone. Hmmm. It's worth a shot … " Tasha looks up, then holds her arms out, "Tisiphone! Are you there?"

Nothing happens, despite the wolves looking around expectantly.

"What a curious idea. Why not tell me? Why … ah!" Tasha grins, standing up. "I have an idea. I'm already connected to the machine, why not … try and hack my mind now? If we're right, then I should see the attempt as a version of myself, here."There's no immediate response, despite all of the wolves looking around expectantly. "I'm not sure we can do that," Remiel says, and looks to Nora, who is more of the AI expert.

"Let me think about it," Nora says. "I'm still trying to figure out some things involving our avatars and the PersoCom system from when we're disconnected."

"I remember when imaginary friends stayed imaginary," Remiel says. "But nothing has shown any sort of mental imbalances to indicate schizophrenia or multiple-personality disorder in Tasha. And she's had something like this before, back in Amazonia where it started." "So maybe not an AI, but… " Nora starts to say, and looks at Tasha. "Maybe something put there with magic?"

"Maybe she's shy," Fred says. "I mean, literally; she can only deal with Tasha, or appear to her when she's in a particular mental state… "

"Well, it was worth a try," Tasha admits, hands falling. "Maybe the universe loves me?"

"You'll need to try alone, I think," Remiel says. "There aren't any records of another entity in the PersoCom logs… just Tasha, then PC Tasha… and then them beating the crap out of one another… "

"It could be. Of course, if that's the case, then I won't be able to offer proof, and you'll need to take my word for it. Meditation is the means I usually contact her by; come to think of it, that's also the method I used to interact with the artifact," says Tasha. She nods, then grins. "Well, at least only a few of me fight with myself. Nora, of course, being my most persistent hallucination."

"I can still take you," Nora claims. "I'm older and trickier, and know how to cheat better."

"Oh? Going to challenge the Empress for her empire, are you? I've gotten sly in my many lives, and if that fails, I'm sure the lot of me could just dog pile you!" She barks a laugh, turning to the frozen Empress. "You see? This is what you forgot! Come to think of it, maybe you were right … she is very obnoxious, and I do look good in a crown … "

"Crowns are goofy," Nora claims. "And the bug parts? I don't care how shiny you can make them… ewwww."

"It really depends how you wear them," Tasha insists. She looks back, reaching to tap the Empress's chitinous face. "At the rate I'm going, this probably is my future!"

"I think you can avoid any horrible disfiguring accidents if you apply yourself," Fred says. "Or I could make you a Silent-Ones style mask to protect your face… "

"Oh, I have one of those," Tasha admits, smiling. "In recognition for my efforts in defending the Pit of Himaar from incursion by canal monster, I was given a mask, and a name, as one of the People. Of course, now I'm probably getting an absentee funeral … "


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 2 days before Candlemass, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)